Chapter 10

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3rd person pov:

Dutch, Arthur, John and Strauss came back to camp from shooting up Valentine, Dutch told everyone to pack up and Sophie was helping out with the packing up, she isn't worried for lucy anymore because she knows that lucy can handle her but she has a feeling that she can't get away from her so she said to herself "I hope lucy is ok, I have a weird feeling that something bad happened to her." Before Dutch asked Arthur to find a new site for the camp, they heard someone say "hey Dutch! Count is coming back but without lucy though and he looks pretty spooked too" and then count reared up at them, so Dutch grabbed onto his reins of count and he said to count while trying to calm him down "easy, boy easy what happened to you and Lucy?" And tilly said to him "Dutch I heard that there was a pretty bad storm at the swamps so I think they were in it, if count was spooked by it so that means it was bad but where is Lucy though?" The gang members can see that Sophie start to panic little bit. Sophie said "I know that Lucy loves the rain but I have a weird feeling that it can't go away. I think it's because of Lucy." And then Dutch said to Arthur and Charles "ok, Arthur and Charles can you two go check out the new camp site and if you find miss. Hodgson while out there please take her to the new camp site." Count has calmed down by now so he fixed the stirrups for his tall stature and then he hopped onto count and then said to Bill, John and séan "ok,Bill, John and séan look for Miss. Hodgson please, I will look for her as well" Dutch grabbed the reins of count again, everyone can see the worried look on Dutch's face but they don't know why. Molly didn't like it at all so she said to herself "I hope that bitch dies." Senna heard that and she showed her teeth at her angrily and then senna ran away, Sophie saw that and then she got an idea to find lucy so she said to Dutch "sir, I have an idea to find lucy, let's use senna." Then Hosea said "that's a good idea because I remember Lucy telling me that she knew senna the first day that she saw her, Dutch. Senna!"he called for her, and then she ran up to him and then sat down in front of him happily so he said to senna "ok, senna *senna perked up at that and she wiggling her tiny tail madly* Can you find lucy? Where is she?" She did a bottom smile (I think the right name for it, it looks like where she puts her bottom teeth on her top lip and you can just see two teeth)and then senna started to sniff the ground for Lucy's and count's srent. When she got it, she barked and then she started to run out to follow it, Dutch started to follow her.

After 1 hour and 10 minutes later (ok I never be knocked out and I tried to figure out how long can you be knocked out for but nothing says tho if you want to tell me please do),
Dutch and senna were still looking for Lucy, Dutch said to senna while looking around "where is she, girl?" And then they heard "FUCK ME! THAT BLOODY HURTED!" And senna ran after it.

Lucy POV:

I woke back up with really bad headache and really really bad pain on my right arm so I shouted "FUCK ME! THAT BLOODY HURTED!" And then I sat up with my left hand on my head and then I checked my right arm, and I already knew that it was broken. I heard something running to me so I looked where it was coming from and I saw senna running up to me and she started to lick me so I said to her "hi senna... wait did you find me? Good girl!" Her tail wiggled so much when I said that to her. She stopped licking me and I looked around me to see where I was. I saw count walking up to us and then stopped so I stood up with pain groaning from my knees and from my broken arm.

When I stood up, I saw Dutch jump off of count and quickly walked over to me. Before I said anything to him, he kissed and pulled me closer to him so I opened my eyes wide with shock. When he pulled away from me, I hissed from pain and then he said to me "are you ok, Lucy?" So I said to him painful "hmm... I fell off of count but it's not his fault and I rolled down a hill fast, I hit my arm on a tree while rolling down, when I reached the bottom of the hill, I hit my head on something and I knocked out so now I have a broken arm, bad headache and a twisted ankle too but is count ok?" And he said to me "he's ok and now let's go to the new camp." And I nodded but before taking a step to count, dutch picked me up bridal style and i gasped at that, I blushed a little bit and he walked up to his horse (aka count), then put me on count. I looked at my broken arm again and it started to bruise up already so I said to myself "why again? I broke my arm once but I know this will happen again one day." And I heard Dutch say to me when he got in front of me "are you ok, Lucy?" And I said to him and then senna "yea I am ok, I'm just a bit annoyed about the broken arm thing. Senna follow us girl." He nodded and then we started to walk to where the new camp is with senna following while walking to the new camp. I'm trying not to look at his fine ass but I felt really tired so I yawned and then said "I will rest my eyes for a bit." I closed my eyes, then I put my forehead on Dutch's back and then I fell asleep right away.
If there's any mistakes anywhere I am sorry I will fix it when I can.

The word count is: 1073

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