Chapter 4

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I watched Lucy walk away with the doctor with a worried look, I sat down on one of the chairs. Few minutes later, I heard from back "HOLY SHIT THIS FUCKING HURTS!!!" It was from Lucy and I can't help but laugh at it a little bit. When I looked outside, I saw an old man (Hosea) hopped off of his horse and a scaring-faced guy (John) was sitting on his horse while talking to the old man.

I don't know who they are but I think Lucy will know because she knew the first five people. I heard from the back again "FUC... FUCK! FUCK! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I giggled at that again. The old man walked into the doctors, he quickly looked around like he was looking for someone and then he saw me, he walked over to me and I stood up, he asked me kindly "sorry for bothering you, miss but do you know someone called Sophie or Lucy in here? Because my friend of mine there *pointing at John* and I am here to help them to pack up and move to the camp, it's orders from our boss to say thanks for saving him and jack." And then I heard lucy shout again "FUCK ME! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" And I tried to hold my laughter in when I heard Lucy saying that. And I said to him kindly "oh! I'm Sophie and that was Lucy Who is with the doctor right now to help with her wound and I can take your friend to my and Lucy's camp so we can start early to pack up." After I said that, I heard from the back for the last time "YOU FUCKER AHAHAH!?" He nodded and I walked out of the doctor.

When I walked out of the doctors, I said to that man "hey there, I'm Sophie I'm one of those women you was ordered to help out so can you come with me to mine and Lucy's camp and help me pack up?" And he said to me "sure, John nice to meet you" I walked to my Appaloosa d and I hopped onto her, then I said to him "nice to meet you too John we can talk more while taking to mine and Lucy's camp so let's go follow me and I will show you the way." I moved d to go to mine and Lucy's camp with John...


When the doctor got the ballet out of me and closed the wound, I walked out of the back after I paid the doctor. I already know that Sophie is gone to pack up our camp. When I walked out of the back, I saw Hosea Matthews so I said to him while walking to him "hello sir, I heard you talking to Sophie and I'm lucy, sir and let's go because I already paid the doctor." He nodded and he walked out of the doctor with me. When we walked out of the doctor, I thought 'oh god it's the real Hosea Matthews and I think Sophie is with John Martson right now' and he said to me while I'm getting to moon and then to him "why did you hear me talking to your friend? And i'm Hosea Matthews." And I smiled kindly at him and said to him "nice to meet mr. Matthews and the walls are thin that's what I heard you and Sophie talking together. let's go to mine and Sophie's camp and and packing up will not take that long because we don't have that much and because we are from the future too." I said the future part quietly and to myself, we started trotting to mine and Sophie's camp.

Halfway to my camp:

I and Hosea were talking while getting to my and Sophie's camp, then Hosea said to me "now, miss. Hodgson I know you thought that I didn't hear you say we are from the future please tell me why you said that?" And I sighed at that, then I said to him "Sophie and I are from the future aka from 2021 (when I made this story) and we are from a different universe where you and your gang are in a game but everyone in your gang is real people and it's a really good game and I played it nearly everyday and still love it... please don't tell mr. Van Der Linde not yet and please call me Lucy, I'm fine with that And I really need to learn that I can't hide anything from cowboys or outlaws." Pulled our horses to walk and turned to mine and Sophie's camp, then he said to me while riding next to me "how can I know you are telling me the truth?" And I sighed again and I put my hand in one of the saddle bags and I pulled out of my phone that I kept in there and I said to him "this is my phone, you can a lot of things on it like look at a maps to see where you need to go, to read, to watch videos, listen to music, to research nearly about anything, and talk to someone who is at our home and you at somewhere else." I put my phone in my pocket and he said to me "wow that's a lot things to do on it and is that how did you and Sophie get here?" And I said to him while getting into camp "Sophie and I came here two weeks ago, Sophie and I was just sitting nearby a lake in our time and universe just talking about different things and what happened to us last week or weeks ago, so when I looked at my hand, it was gone and then back so fast and then Sophie noticed it but when... oh! We are at camp." I stopped moon in front of the camp and I hopped of him and then I started to walk to sophie, then I saw that half of the camp was packed up it's just mine side to do and I saw John Martson, I held my fungirling in when I saw him. When I got to Sophie...
Ok I have a rough gaffe(I know that is wrong but fuck it) of this story so I will change a lot of this story while typing it up on doc

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