Chapter 6

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I closed my diary after writing in it, i put my hair down and I shaked it out but it stayed up and then Sophie had a funny smile on her face, she saw my hair and she giggled at it, then said to me "hey lucy, I saw you talking with mr. Van Der Linde earlier." I giggled too and then said to her "yea, can you hand me the hairbrush please and he is just checking if I'm ok or not because I was zoned out too long near the horses and moon." she handed me my hairbrush and then I started to fix my hair, she said to me "what did you two talk about back there?" And I said to her while fixing my long hair "hmm... he asked me if i'm ok or not and then I said to him 'yea, I am ok I was just thinking about things but I zoned out tho' and then he asked 'thinking about what?' and then I said 'I'm just thinking about a dog that I dearly loved with all of my heart' like Kelly with you, you know but I keep saying to that 'and I would do anything to have her with me right now.' You know you would do the same for kelly and he asked me 'what do I love about that dog of mine' and I told him while walking back to here" and she said to me "true, I would do anything for Khali and Roxy but if both of them are here, we know what they would do though." And we laughed at that, I did a no sound laugher and she did a loud laugher. I said to her "true but I know that you fancy someone in this camp bbbuuutttt I don't know who it is just yet and don't worry, if you get together with him or her I will be happy for you." I smiled at her and then I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she did the same to me, we giggled at that and then she whispered at me "I think you fancy Dutch and he is the same with you." I finished fixing my hair, I put the hairbrush down and then whispered back to her "yes I do fancy him, I fancied him when I saw him for the first time on red dead Redemption two... well he's younger self because I saw his older self red dead redemption one and because I love how he look, sounds, and acts but please don't tell him that I fancy him just yet if you do, I will tell the person that you fancy that you fancy them." And she said to me "ok, I would tell him but what did you tell him before entering your tent?" I took off my gun belt and my boots and I put them next to me but not too close and then I laid down on my sleeping bag, said to her "I said that I know 8 or 9 gold are, 4 of them I still know where But... I have to go down a bit on side of A mountain for them and fuck me! I'm so scared to do it because I'm afraid of heights but for six of them I still need to figure out where they are." and she said to me "I know what you mean too and I asked mr. Van Der Linde if I could work with someone and he said that I can work with Séan or Arthur and I asked Arthur about it and he said that I can come along with him when I can so I am going to bed to wake up early for it." And I said to her "good night I'm going to sleep too because I'm going to pass out at any minute and good luck in case that I don't see you next day" she smiled at me and then nodded, walked out of my tent and she closed my tents doors for me, then walk away from my tent. I turned over to lie on my stomach, I looked at my lamp for a few minutes and then I blew the lamp out, I laid my head on my pillow, then closed my eyes and soon after I fell right to sleep with light music in the background.

In my dream:

I opened my eyes again but suddenly closed my eyes, I put my hand in front of my eyes and I opened them up again. I saw that Sophie was next to me and we looked around to see where we were and then we heard a gentle voice "you are safe here, little ones." And I said to her kindly "where are we? And who are you?" And she said to us "you two are still dreaming someday you two will go to help 13 dwarfs, a hobbit and a wizard to reclaim their kingdom from a dragon long ago and I am here to help you two, little ones." And I thought 'ok, don't tell us your name that's ok' Sophie said to her "when we are going there? and can we choose our Species and race?" (I don't know why i put species but ok) And she smiled kindly, then said to them kindly "I will send a sign to you two when it's time to go and of course, you can choose them to know what you are and love yourselves." And I said without thinking "I want to be a half dwarf and half skin changer as a barn owl or a wolf or both but I don't know, and Because they are pretty cute too and I will be small as dwarf and ears as dwarf too" and Sophie said to her as well "I want to be half elf and half skin changer as a friesian or maybe a white fox please I want to stay with Lucy and we accept your offer." We nodded and The goddess smiled and then said to us "good little one, I will send some help that you dearly love. Now wake up and help the gang that you are in." Sophie and I bowed our heads to her while waking up....
The word count was 1111.

This is taking so long but I don't care right now bc my parrot (his name was sky) and one of my rabbit (her name was Ruby) and we lost them from illnesses that was too late to help them and I am ✨saddened✨ about it... but please comment, vote and like

Thank you

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