Chapter 7

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I'm wearing something like this but with something to cover my mouth and nose while robbing people or buildings (I forgot what it is called) and this one will be a long one and the next and the next after that so nearly all of them will be long but I don't know yet.


I woke up with the sunshine in my eyes and then I felt a blanket over me and then I opened my eyes, the first thing that I saw was a thicc blanket on me, I turned over to my back and then said to myself quietly "what the hell? Who put this blanket on me? I didn't sleep with one on me but what time is it though?" I took off the blanket, then I got up from my sleeping bag. When I got out of the tent and then looked at the sun, I realised that it's 12am so I stood up and stretched my body quickly, I heard little clicks from my back, legs and arms.

When I felt a little bit better after that stretch, I got my boots and my shot belt back on and then I walked to moon to check on him. I got good mornings from different people and I said it back to them while yawning. When I reached to moon, I noticed that moon was already tacked up and I petted his neck, then said to him while petting his neck and face "who tacked you up for me? I have to thank him or her for doing that for me." I looked around and I saw count walking with purpose over to me so I quickly pulled out four mints for him and moon, then I gave two of the mints to moon. Then count got to moon and I so I said to him with a smile and while petting him "oh! Good morning, Count and how are you doing, today?" I gave him the other two mints and he was eating them happily.

I gave a last pat on his neck before walking back to moon and then hopped onto moon. I checked his Garth and it was ok, I saw that Sophie's and Arthur's horses were gone so they are gone too. So I made moon walk and we started to walk to Valentine to get some things to help me with what I'm going to do.


When we reached Valentine (the town not the day), I parked moon in front of the main shop, I jumped off of Moon and then I walked into the shop. The shop owner saw me walking into his shop and he said to me "ah! Miss. Hodgson, I heard what you did from yesterday so you can get anything free for today so what do you need today, miss?" And I walked up to him and then said to him with a smile "thank you, sir and can I have a long rope and a pocket watch please?" He nodded and then he got what I needed and I got them. I put the pocket watch into my pocket and I kept holding the rope in my hand. I waved at him and then walked out of the main shop and then I walked to moon. I put the rope on the horn of the saddle and then I hopped back onto moon, then we started to walk to cotorra spring.

When we reached where it is, I found where I need to go down, I jumped off of moon and then I took off the rope of the horn, and I got the saddlebag off of moon's butt and then I walked near the criff, I looked down the edge and I got a weird feeling from a place where I don't want it and I said to myself while wrapping the rope around my stomach and ties it up tightly "fuck me, I hate that feeling and fucking hate heights but I can do this I hope." I sat down where I needed to go down, I started to get to the train.

(I'm too lazy to tell you how to get to the train, sorry I might come back and tell you but I don't know. Sophie I will tell you the next time when I See you again so don't worry and I forgot how to get to it as well)

When I reached the old broken train, I stopped walking because I was out of the breath and in pain from hitting, I said to myself while trying not to look over criff "fuck me, I hated that but thank god I just need to do this once." I started to walk to the train but when I was going to turn the corner, I heard someone shout "lucy? Where are you and are you ok?" And I shouted back "yea, I'm fine! I'm just in pain because I hit my legs,my arms and body while getting here and now I am going to get the thing that I'm here for. Just wait with moon, I will call for him when I'm on the ground again, just follow him." And then I heard him shout back while I'm getting down the train cart for the gold "ok, I'm just here because your friend is very worried for you by doing this and she said that you are really scared of heights." I got to the bottom of the train cart, and I quickly picked up the gold that was there and then put them in the saddlebag. When I got all of them in the saddlebag, I walked to the side of the doors that were open and then I carefully climbed up to the side doors and then got out of it. I sat on the door like on a saddle but without the stirrups though, I shout back at him "yea, I fucking hate it." And then i whistled for moon so I yelled for moon after the whistle "mmmmmooooooonnnn! Come on, boy! Come here, fancy boy!" 10 minutes later, moon and Charles who was talking to me walking over to me and he said to me while I'm climbing down to the ground while having the rope next to me just in case that fallen or I need it (right if you are going to climb soon there's healthy and safe laws so you will wear the right things for it) "be careful! And how did you get up there?"

When I got on the ground, I said to him while I'm getting the rope down "yea, it was a weird way to get there but luckily I won't get back up there again, I just got what I needed." I rolled the rope up while walking to one of the carts that is on the ground, then I got inside of it. I got to chest, then opened it. I got a little pot of gold things, so I put it in my saddlebag and then walked to my horse and Charles, when I got to them, I gave moon another mint and Charles horse one too because she was asking for one, when I did that, Charles said to me "wow! She really likes you and even count and Brown Jack does too, they won't let people ride them in any way. Brown Jack just lets Bill ride him and count does the same with Dutch as well." And I said to him while getting back on moon and then putting his saddlebag back on him "yea, nearly every single animal wants to say hello to me and I normally give them pets and treats when they are good or listening to me or his/her owner as well." And we started to trot back to camp while talking.

When reached back to camp, I said thank you to Charles for coming back with me, I saw Sophie sitting at a table while getting annoyed by Micah fucking bell so I hopped off of moon, and then took off the saddlebag of moon's croup. Then I walked up to Sophie and Micah and I already saw that she was holding her anger back from hitting him and I really wanted to tell her to hit him but I didn't.

When Sophie saw me, she said to me happily "thank god! You are back and alive! Hehe" we giggled at that and I said jokingly "hey soph, I'm still alive thank god but I was shitting myself scared while doing it but thank god, that I don't need to do it again hehe" I noticed that molly rolled her eyes at that. When I saw that, Dutch walked over to us and then said to us "ah! Miss. Hodgson, miss. Hayton and Micah, what do you have there, miss. Hodgson?" And I said to him "oh it is the gold that I told you about, I'm going to put three of them in the box for you and I hated how I got them though and there's four of them in just keeping one of them." And Sophie said to me "how bad was it really?" I said to her "it was so bad, it was ok in my game that fucking game but I did it, I hated it and if I had my phone on me I would send you photos of it to show you how bad it was and how did it look like Haha." And she said to me while laughing "how many times did you almost die up there?" And I said to her while laughing as well "I think 8 or 9 times, I hit my head like 2 times, hurted my funny bone three times I still don't know how I did that but ok, hurt my shins two times I hated that one, and I knocked the wind out of me like two times so I will be black and blue tomorrow." And I heard Dutch say "a phone? what's a phone?" I said to him while my phone from my tent and then I went back to them, I showed it to them "this is it, my phone and my phone has everything that I love on it and it was in my pocket when we came here, 2 weeks and one day ago. We love it here because we know how to fight, to steal things, we can ride horses nearly all the time, how to shoot guns but we miss our families, our beds and our animals." I saw Sophie nodded and then Dutch said to Sophie and I "let's talk about this phone and your year? Hosea!" And I saw Hosea walk over to us. Then said to Dutch "you need something, Dutch?" And then Dutch said to him "miss. hayton and miss. Hodgson here is from the future and They are going to tell us about it at my tent. I thought you would like to hear about it." And I said to Dutch while itching my top lip "hmm... I already told him because he heard me when I said that I'm from the future to myself quietly and I told him a little bit about the phone while going to the camp." Hosea said to Sophie and I "ah! I think both of us would like to hear more about that, miss. Hodgson and miss. Hayton." We walked to Dutch's tent.

The word of this chapter is 1939.

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