chapter 24

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2 weeks later÷

It has been two weeks already and luckily I wasn't robbed, when I was in that field and none and I mean none let it go… but hey it is ok because I knew it would happen. I was sitting against the manor while reading the book that Hosea gave me on my birthday, I heard someone walking up to me so I looked up from my book, and I saw Mary-Beth so I said to her "hello Mary-Beth, are you ok you… look… wwwooorrrrrriiieeeddd… oh no, I think I know what you are going to ask me. I saw Kieran a few days ago and I told him what will happen to him but I didn't tell him when because I didn't know that part though." Then she said to me sadly "So, you told him that something will happen to him soon? Like being killed?" I just nodded sadly and then she said to me 'Thank you for telling me about it', then she walked away from me, I closed my book and then put it back into my bag. I stood up and then walked inside to find Sophie.

When I walked inside, I saw Sophie sitting on one of the chairs while drawing so I quickly walked to her, then said to her "hey Sophie, get ready because something is going to happen, I do not know when but I do know it is coming, so if you want stay with me when it does, come with me to dutch and I will tell him about it." She put paper back into her bag, then said to me when she stood up "ok, lead on and while we are going to him, you have to tell me about it." I nodded and then we started to walk where Dutch is at, while I'm telling Sophie what will happen soon. When we got to Dutch, I said to him "hm… dutch?" He looked over to us, then said to us with a smile "hello Lucy and Sophie, how can i help you two on this fine evening?" I said to him with a worried look "I know this will sound weird but I know what's… going to… happen… oh no." Sophie, Dutch and I turned our heads when we heard Mary-Beth's scream and then I said "damn it! I throated I had enough time to tell you about it but I was bit late." We watched Kieran's horse walk  walk up to the fountain, and then Kieran's body and head fell down from his horse.

When Kieran's body and head hit the ground, a lot of O'Driscolls came out of the woods and started to shooting at us so I grabbed Sophie's hand while the gang started shot back at the O'Driscolls, and we started to run inside and then downstairs but while we was running downstairs, we didn't noticed a letter that I wrote for Dutch and the gang  fell out of my bag and then landed on the floor. When we reached downstairs, I quietly said to Sophie "we just need to go outside and run because I feel like it is time to go but I don't know for what though." Sophie and I quickly got outside without anyone noticing it and they were fighting, then I quickly said to her when we reached the corner of the manor "ok, get ready to run and if we need to shoot, we will shoot at the O’Driscolls." Sophie nodded and then said to me excitedly "LET'S GO!" I smiled widely at that. When I knew that no O'Driscolls were around, I said "GO!?" To Sophie, and then we started to run to the woods as fast as we could and I kept a tight hold on Sophie’s hand while running.

While running away, I felt myself get younger, younger, younger and smaller, smaller, smaller until I was really small child, and everything was changing around us, I fell down because my pants got so big for me already, Sophie quickly helped me up and then we started to run again, Sophie and I noticed that what happened to me and I think it happened to her as well, while running, I looked at Sophie and she's bit taller than you taller than me, she has elf ears now, and she has longer blonde hair too and she lasted her pants too before me. 1 more minute later, we stopped running and the first thing that Sophie said to me, when we got our breath "OH! MY! GOD! Lucy, you have an afternoon shadow." I quickly touched my face and then shouted to her shocked "WAIT!? WHAT!? I DO??" I had a scared look on my face while looking at sophie.

3rd person POV÷ (back at camp before they found that Sophie and I were missing.)

Dutch and the others stopped shouting at the O'Driscolls and watched them running away from them, Dutch shouted to the O'Driscolls while walking back to the manor "cowards! Coward!". (If playing rdr2, you will know what happen after that but I forgot what was said after the fight but I still remember that part and the part where he asks Hosea, Lenny and mr.Swanson to take Kieran's body and head somewhere else so what's happens next and the talk with Dutch and Arthur, it will start now and I will edit this when I remember it or find a video of it) Dutch thinking what to do for the camp while getting to the manor, few minutes later, Tilly walked out of the manor with a latter, she said to him when she got to him "Dutch! Mrs.Grimshaw wanted me to tell you that everyone is ok and not hurted but we can't find two people though" Dutch turned to look at Tilly, then said to her concerned "who is missing? And how we hadn't realised that they were gone?" And then she said to him sadly "it is… it is Sophie and Lucy but Mary-Beth found this latter, it's from you and it looks like it's from Lucy. " He gently took it from her and then opened it up, then started to read it.

When he finished reading the latter, he said to Arthur when Arthur went up to him "Arthur, I need you to come with me to look for Lucy and Sophie because they are missing." While they were walking to their horses, Séan, Lenny, Hosea, Charles and John joined them and Dutch told them what they were going to do and the others wanted to help to look for Lucy and Sophie so Dutch let them do that. When they got onto their horses, they set off to different towns.

2 hours later÷

Arthur and Dutch in a bar at Saint Denis, they are thinking and talking about  where to look next. In the middle of it, two girls and their mothers walked into the bar and then sat down at one of the tables in the bar. One of the girls said to her mother "but mam, I love it here, I want to stay here and live here, I'm old enough now." Dutch and Arthur thoughted they heard Lucy just now, then they heard the mother say "Lucy, we talked about this, you are going to marry that man that I picked for you." Dutch and Arthur looked at each other shocked of what they heard from the mother of that woman, then they heard the other Lucy said to her mother bit annoyed "AhAh, mother you don't know this but I will tell you now, everyone in our families, our friends and even sophie know that he don't want to get married to me and I don’t want to get married to him either and we know that he is dating different womans so that's why haven’t do it with him because I want to do it with someone that I love so let me choose my own choices for my life but now I have to go." The other lucy stood up from the table and started to walk away so Dutch looked over his shoulder if it really is Lucy or not and it was so he told Arthur that he is going and Arthur knew what he meant by that so he stayed at the bar, Dutch walked outside to follow her.

When he got outside, Dutch saw that the other lucy was saying hello to count and petting him, so he walked up to them and when he got to them, he said to her kindly "hello ma'am, you know he normally doesn't like people petting him." she looked at him and then said to him with a smile "well, I feel special and he was asking me to pet him so I am and my boy isn't happy about it at all, hehe." Dutch chuckled a little bit at that and then said to her with a side smile "yes, well there was one more person who can pet him and ride him, and she looks exactly like you." She looked at him, then said "let me guess, she has the same first and last name as me but she is from a different time and world?" He nodded at that but before he said anything to her, they saw a dog running up to them and Lucy said to that dog happily "oh! Ben, what are you doing here? I thoughted you were at home with pippin and Nath." When Ben got to them, Lucy petted him happily and Dutch said to her kinda shocked "oh! wait, my Lucy had a ben and he was her first love too" when he looked at the other Lucy, he saw that she was trying not to laugh at it, she said to him "I met your Lucy and she told me that ben was your dog too but when she told someone…." And they kept talking about it and they got onto their horses, Lucy put Ben onto Duke's back before hopping on, Dutch wasn't happy what his Lucy (aka me) did but he chuckled a little bit at it though and then they went away the same way.

End of this story


Word count is- 1722

And the story is coming soon, it is called "our journey With the company in the hobbit"

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