chapter 2

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Theres what moon and the tack looks like and I don't know who is the owner of the horse in photo is handsome/beautiful.

When we came back, we was in a field place... well it looks like a field and there's some trees and it was night now, I said when I came back into the world aka time and space "fuck... wait where are we right now? We are not in Carlisle no more, I know that with looking around this place" and she stood up and then said to me while figuring out where we are "I don't know but if we get kill by someone I hope he or she is hot hahah" and I saw some lights in the distance and I laughed at her joke and I said to her "ahah! Yea I fucking hope so he is and I can see some lights in the distance so let's go and find out where are we and what day, month and year is too" we nodded at the same time and we quickly pulled our pants legs down before walking to the house or into town/City.

When we got near to the town, I looked at one of the houses and the house looked like it was built in early 1800's and there's two or three horses in front of the house but I sighed and then said to Sophie "*sigh* I know what year it is now and it is around 1800's I can tell by the house so we'll need of money, a place to stay at and two horse for me and you but don't worry, I know which breed you want and if I find one like ozzy, I will get him or her for you... ok you will steal some clothes and she for yourself and me and I steal the horses are you OK with that and I know stealing is bad but we have to do it." and she said to me "I am OK with it now, let's do this" and we quickly high fived and said good luck to each other and we walked away to get what we need to get aka steal what we need.

When I got to the town, I quickly looked around and I saw Sophie running away from one of the houses with some clothes for herself and me and I hope some shoes too. I quickly walked into the shadows of the shops and houses. It's a small place there's maybe 15 or 16 buildings and one stables and then I saw two horses that I really like look of and looks like the have alot of things on them too which is good for us, I quickly checked around if anyone around, and there's no one out, there's people in the pub but no one out of it and one of the horse was big, strong and stubborn looking stallion friesian with a really deep dark coat and the other was a really stubborn and smart looking appaloosa a leopard with deep dark brown small spots, I saw that no one was still not out so I quickly walked up to them while making sure that no one sees me stealing them, I quickly took of hold one side of the reins on the appaloosa and then I hopped onto the friesian's back and I got the friesian's rein too still holding on the appaloosa rein and I told the friesian to canter and we started to leave town and I show the name of the town and it said 'Valentine' and I thought while looking for Sophie "valentine? that sounds oddly familiar to me somewhat and it looked like the town from my favourite game too but I don't know."

When I leaved the town aka valentine with the horses and without no one noticing me taking the horses and I said to myself quietly while looking for Sophie "that was really easy to do but I really liking to this horse so I will called you moon do you like, eh?" And the horse made a sound for it but before I replied to it, I heard Sophie "Hey Lucy! I'm here and I've already got changed into the clothes that I steal and yours is ready for you too." I quickly pulled moon into walk. When I got to her, I jumped off of the friesian and I grabbed on the friesian's rein while holding on the appaloosa's and I said to the friesian with the baby talk "good boy, moon" I petted his neck and I walked up to Sophie and I said to her when she saw the appaloosa "I saw this mare appaloosa with this stallion friesian, I thought you would like her and I already called the friesian and its moon" and she said to me while petting the appaloosa neck "yes, I love her and you named your then I might called Her donut, hehe!" I said to her while changing into the clothes that she stole "OMG I love that name and I know someone on tiktok called her horse chicken nugget and its middle name is the same as yours, I love that name too but let's tie them up and go through the saddlebags on them to find out what's in them, ok?" And then i walked behind a tree with the clothes and shoes that sophie steal for me and started to change into them.

When I finished getting changes into the clothes and shoes for this year and we tied the horses up and we started to look through the saddlebags and I found in the saddlebags was 100 old us dollars, two hand guns, a shotgun, hunting rifle with a scope, some really good deer and boar pelts, a lot of ammo for all of the guns and a sleeping bag with a tent and then I put the guns on with its belt and I turned to Sophie and then said "I got two guns, 100 old us dollars, a shotgun, a hunting knife, hunting rifle with scope, a lot of ammo for all the guns, some perfect deer and doars pelts so I will sell them for more money and a sleeping bag that I will use. Now what did you get from her?" And she said to me "I found the same but with food and a fire starter so maybe we might make a fire and then cook some food so while eatting, we can figure out why we are here for, how long and what will we do while being here." And I nodded and then said to her "I like that idea, I will set up the camp for us and you can get the fire wood for the fire if you want to." And she said to me "that's ok, I can do that and I hope we get back home soon because if we don't our parents will be mad with us." I nodded and I said "that's so true, I hope we get back home really soon and team work make dream work (I think that's right)." she walked off to get some fire wood while I started set up the camp. When I finished setting up the camp, I put a circle of rocks for the fire and I saw Sophie walking back with alot of wood in her arms so I walked over to her and I got some of the wood, I walked to the circle of rocks with Sophie and we started to fix up the fire, Sophie said to me while fixing up the fire "this camp look so good." And said to her "you can pick one of the tents." We finished fixing up the fire and we lighted it up and minute later, the fire was lit up and I said to her jokely while warming up "we have fire, ahah!" And we laughed at that little bit, we put some food on our sticks and we put them over the fire, we started to figure out why we are here, how long and what to do. I said to Sophie while eating my food, "well... if we have to stay in this world forever, I will stay with you as long as you want and we can steal and hunt for money and that place looks really familiar to me and I mean really familiar, it looks like the... game... that I always play... on and still do" I narrowed my eyes while thinking about it and I heard Sophie say to me "what game is that?" And I looked at her again with normal eyes, I said to her "I don't know if I'm right or not yet but I think we are in rdr2 aka red dead redemption 2 so we wait and see if I am right about that and don't worry I know all the characters names, what they look like and what they sound like too." After a hour later, Sophie decided to go to sleep, I still woken and I guarded the camp from bad people.


Ok, sorry for tooking long to make this but I was sick and I was writing what I want on this story first and then I put it on doc and then on here. I will make something up for the start for next one bc I didn't know what start it.

It is all together is 1483 words.

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