chapter 17

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Lucy's POV÷ (at bronte's manor)

I woke up on a soft bed, when I opened my eyes, the first thing that I saw was a pretty nice ceiling but before I looked around the room, I remembered what happened and then Jack so I yelled "JACK!?" I fell off of the bed. Before I got up, I heard someone running to the room that I'm in, I saw Jack open the door of the room, then he hugged me while saying "LUCY! Are you ok?" I said to him while hugging him "of course i am, i just have a headache and that's it, now where are we? I think i know where but i don't know if i'm right or not just yet and are you ok? Are they looking after you well enough? If not, I will hurt them then I will tell your mother and she will do worse than me hehe." I let him go and then stood up from the floor. When I stood up from the floor, I looked at Jack with a smile and then heard someone say to me "ah! You are finally awake, that kid was pretty worried about you but Mr.Bronte wants to talk to you two now, so follow me please." I nodded at that, and then said to him "ok jack, stay nearby me, I will look after you until Dutch, arthur and your father finds us and they will find us... or i figure out a plan escape from here so don't worry ok, so now let's see what this Mr.Bronte wants from us." He nodded at that, I quickly picked him up and then I put him on my hip, I started to follow that person.

10 minutes later, we arrived at the room where Bronte was waiting for us to come to him. One of the guards said to him in his language "signore, la ragazza e il bambino che volevate sono qui." (Translation for this is- sir, the girl and boy you wanted are here.) When he turned around to see the guard, Jack and I, then said to the guard in the same language "ah! bene, stai vicino mentre parlo con il ragazzo e signorina." (Translation for this is - ha! well stay close while i talk to the boy and miss.) I thought while they were saying in that language 'why am i so horny right now? This has never happened before.' he looked at Jack and I, then said to me "ah! You finally awake, that child was pretty worried about you but now missss... sorry what is your name, miss?" And then I quickly said to him "Hodgson. Lucy Hodgson." Then he said to me "well miss.Hodgson, you have been sleeping for a day and half so you can stay here with that child... but you two have to stay in your room together until i need you two or when your friends come for you two so i will ask one of the maids to run you a bath and get new clothes." I looked at him and then smiled smugly, then I said to him "I know something that you don't know and I wouldn't tell you if you hurt me or Jake here, I will not tell you because I want to wait for my friends to come and get us home." He looked right in my eyes angrily but I didn't back down though so i looked in his eyes meaner at him, after few minutes later, he looked away from me and he said to one of the guards in their language "riportali nella loro stanza e di' alla cameriera di fare un bagno per la signora e di mettere i vestiti nel bagno per lei." (Translation for this is - take them back to their room and tell the maid to make a bath for the lady and put the clothes in the bath for her.) The guard nodded and then the guard told us to follow him, and we started to follow him to our room. While leading us to our room, the guard told one of the maids to make me a Bath and put the clothes in the bathroom as well, and Jack was still on my hip. When we got to our room, I put Jack on the bed and then I said to Jack softly "sorry for letting you see that, jack." And then he said to me "it is ok, Lucy, i know you would do that, lucy and i hope senna and khali is ok and safe." I noticed that jack had a sad face on so I quickly got him by the shoulders and I breathed in deeply and then I blow raspberries on his cheek, he started to laughing, and trying to get away from it but I had to stopped blowing on his cheek, before I make him laugh bit more, I heard someone knock on the door of the room that we are in and then I said to that person who is at the door "yeah? What is it?" And the person behind the door said to me "Miss, your bath is ready for you, I am here to take you and your friend to the bathroom."

I got an idea, then I said to that person while finding some scissors "ok, I will be a minute and the child that is with me wants to stay with me as well so I am taking him with me.". When i found some scissors, I put it in my bra and hid it good enough for they don't see it and then I picked jack up, and started to walk to the door, before I reached to the door, I whispered in his ear "ok jack, I have a idea to get us out of here and back to the gang, that's why I have scissors in my bra, and I know your mother is pretty worried about you." And I saw him nod so I opened the door and then we started to follow the maid to the bathroom. When we reached the bathroom, I said to the maid kindly "thank you for showing us the way and i like to have the window open while im bathing, it helps me... oh! And please no guards at the door, I don't want them to hear me in there, talking shit. So much shit." I saw her nod and then walk away, so I walked into the bathroom, and then I put Jack down. I closed and locked the door behind us, I looked around the room, and I saw clean clothes... well it was a pretty fancy dress so I quickly opened a window as wide as I can get it, and then I whispered to jack while getting the scissors and then cutting up the dress long ways "ok jack, we are going to leave through the window and don't worry, I know I'm doing and you are going first because you are lighter than me and I will do it slowly as well so don't be scared, ok." I smiled softly at him, while tieing the cut piece together to make a line to climb down on and Jack was giving me some towels to cut and tie onto it.

When I knew it's long and strong enough to hold onto, I tied one end close to the window and then tied the other end around Jack's hips tightly. When I know it's tight enough around him, I whisper to him "Do that feel good, now are you ready for this? And don't be scared ok, I will be right behind ok?" I saw him nod then he said to me softly "ok, I will be brave, let's do this!" And I smiled at that when I heard that, and I said to him when we got to the window "yep! Let's do this." And I picked up Jack and put him on the windowsill while holding the rope, and then I started to lift him down while watching out for any guards. When I know that Jack is safely down and off the rope, I felt my heart race already but I will be brave for Jack, he was for me, I need to be for him as well so I quickly checked if that's any guards around.

When I knew that's no guards around still, I quickly started to climb down the rope while being careful that I wouldn't fall. When I made it down to the ground, I shakely put my hands on my knees and then Jack quickly came up to me and then whispered to me "Lucy! Are you ok? Your hands are shaking badly." And I stood up straightly again and I picked Jack up, then I whispered back to him "of course I am, I'm just hate heights so much that's all and it took everything that I had to do... but now we just need to go over that fence and then we will walk back to camp but if I can, I will call for leo when we get far enough away, ok, Sooo let's go." I quickly walked to the fence. When we got to the fence,I quickly put Jack on one of the posts and then quickly jumped over the fence, something hurted my hand, so I shaked it and then I got Jack from the top of the post, and put Jack back on my hip, then we started to walk away. When we got far enough away from that manor, I checked on Jack and he was fast asleep in my arms, and his face was next to my neck. While I'm walking through the city, I saw a very familiar white horse next to two other horses and next to some shops and a bar, so I stopped walking while eyeing the horse, I said to myself "it can't be? It can't be him?" Then I did a loudly whistled to see if it is the count or not, when I did that whistle, jack wake up a little and then fell back to sleep, then the horse picked its head up to look at Jack and I but I didn't think it was him so I softly shaked my head and then I started to walk away again, but I didn't realise that two horses was following us.


Words count was 1693
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