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Lucy still didn't know that the two horses are still following her, and the horses were The Count and Leo, Dutch, John and Arthur didn't know that Count and Leo were gone yet until Arthur and John looked over Dutch’s shoulder while he was talking to them, and they saw that the count and Leo was gone, so Arthur said to Dutch "uhm… Dutch, we have a bit of a problem." Dutch said to them, his back still facing the horses "What is it?" And John said to him "Count and Leo are gone, Dutch." Dutch said to them when he turned around and saw that his horse and Leo were gone, "What the? Where the hell are they?... Ah! There's one person who can call Leo and count to them at the same time." And then John said to them "It is Lucy! So that means she has escaped from Bronte's and I hope she has my son with her." They started to look for them and John got onto his horse and he went to look for them, Dutch said while looking for the horses, Lucy and Jack "I hope so too, I hope so too" then they went looking.

Lucy POV÷

I kept walking through the city, I felt Jack woke up and then gasped at something behind us, and then he said to me happily "Lucy, look behind you!" And I said to him before turning around "Oh ok, then." I stopped walking and then turned around to see what was behind me. When I turned around to see what was behind me, I saw Count and Leo with their ears perked up while looking at us, standing behind so I smiled happily at them, then said to them "Blue bear and Count, I thought I saw you, count and how did you two follow us all this time without Dutch or arthur knowing that you two are gone… and what did I not hear or know that you were following me?" I started to pet Leo and count with one hand because I'm still holding Jack with the other.

10 minutes later, I heard hooves and then two pairs of feet coming towards us and then they stopped behind us, one of them said to us "Lucy? Jack? Is that you guys?" I realised it was Jack's father, then I felt Jack jump off of my arm and then he walked to them, I heard him say to them "Pa, Uncle Dutch, uncle Arthur, Lucy and I escaped from the bronte" I turned around to see Dutch, Arthur and John, John is on his horse and Dutch and Arthur is standing on the ground next to Jack while he's telling them what happened to us "did you escaped from Bronte's by climbing out of the window?" I nodded nervously and then said to them nervously "Yes, we did and I know it was bad but it was the only thing that I thought of." Dutch nodded, then he said to me kindly "It is ok, Lucy, you are not in trouble with us… with Bronte yes, you are but with us no." I relaxed at that and I realised that there were only three horses and it was my horse aka Leo, the Count, and John’s horse so I said to them "How long do you wait to ride Leo, Arthur? Ahah, you know you just need to ask me." And then he chuckled a little bit while putting Jack in front of John on John's horse, then said to me happily "Well, she looked pretty bored and I … we thought that she will find you if you are close to her." I chuckled too and I said to them "Well, she did but let's go back to camp because I need to sit down, my back is bloody killing me right now." They nodded at that, Arthur walked up to Leo's side and before I joined him, Dutch said to us "Of course, Lucy, you are riding me and let's get that kid back to his mother." I walked up to count and Dutch. When I got to count Dutch, Dutch smiled softly at me and I smiled back at him, then he helped me onto Count’s back and then he hopped onto Count in front, I put my hands on his side. When everyone got onto their horse (Arthur is on my horse but I let him ride her), we started to go to camp while Jack told them about what happened to us up to where they found us.

When we got to the camp, I heard Dutch shout to the camp, "Abigail! We have Jack! We have your son!" And then I heard different people say "I think I see Jack and Lucy", "It is them! They are back!" Dutch stopped count nearby a new horse that I haven't seen before, Dutch hopped off out of the count and helped me down. When I put my feet on the ground, I thanked Dutch for helping me down, he smiled at me and said you're welcome to me, and then I walked to Leo's side. When I got to Leo's side, I petted her neck and then said to her happily while everyone partying on for Jack's and mine's safe return "Hey baby girl, let's get this tack off and brush out mane and tail." And then I quickly untacked Leo's tack and then I put her headcollar on her, I tied her on one of the posts and then I started to brush out her mane and tail. While I'm brushing Leo's mane out, Abigail walked over to me and I heard her say my name so I turned over to see her walk over to me so I said to her kindly "Oh! Hello Abigail, how are you? And what can I help you with?" She said to me while I'm doing Leo's mane "I just want to say thank you for protecting Jack while away from the camp." And I smiled at her, I finished doing Leo's mane, I put the brush down on the ground and then I said to her kindly "No problem, I love that boy so much, I would protect that boy with my life." I saw her smile and nod, she pulled me into a hug, and then she whispered into my ear "If you do what you did something like what you did last night with Jack, I punish you hard, do you understand?" I just quickly nodded at that, she let me go and she walked back to John and Jack, so I picked the brush up back and I started to brush Leo's tail out. Not 1 minute later, I felt someone's hand on my back, I let go of Leo's tail and then I turned around, I saw Sophie standing next to me and she said to me while laughing "Did you really climb out of the window?" And I said to her while laughing as well "Yep! Yep! I was shitting myself so bad while I'm doing it but I didn't show it though… well when I got onto the ground, I was shaking pretty bad after it." I put the brush down, I untied Leo's headcollar from the post, and then Sophie and I started laughing and talking, Sophie and I walked back inside the camp, and I started to drink sooo hard.

When everyone was asleep, Dutch and lucy were cuddling in the same bed after a good night, both of them are nuked after having you know what, but when It was 3 or 4 am, I woke up still half asleep and drunk by someone watching me, so I keep my eyes closed, I felt someone holding me so I moved closer to him and then I felt safe again, so I fell asleep. Before I fell asleep full on, I felt someone kiss my forehead and then say softly "You are ok, I have you." He put his arms around me tightly and I fell asleep fully.


The count of words is 1344.

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