chapter 3

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The horse is in the photo is dount with the saddle and bridle.

Ok, this one has a weird start, it just poked into my head while doing this one
But with Jake in it and I didn't know how we meet the gang in this so this is how and this one is long

(Little warning- there will be fighting and shooting in this story)


It's already been 2 weeks and we haven't gone back to our home or year yet, I'm heading to town aka Valentine to meet up with Sophie at the saloon, but when I rode into Valentine, I saw a little boy (don't do the berries and cream Song don't do it) that is familiar to me but I don't know why? But suddenly I heard shouting from somewhere and then I saw a big bull running through the town, then I saw that little lad just standing there in fear and the bull is going right to him so I quickly jumped out of moon and I ran as fast as I can while hearing the town people shouting at him to move out of the way but the boy didn't move an inch. Before the bull got to the boy, I scooped the boy into my arms so fast and I ran away to the side of the house with the little lad still in my arms.

When we got somewhere safe, I stopped running and I put the boy down on the ground, then I kneeled to his level and he said to me happily "Thank you for saving me, miss." And I said to him happily "You're welcome little lad and I don't know why the townspeople never helped but good that I helped you though." When I said 'little lad' to him, he put a little pout for that and I smiled at that and he said to me while pouting "I'm NOT little" and I said to him with a smile "Oh? really? How old are you? and before I forgot to ask, my name is Lucy and what's your name?" And he said to me with a smile "I'm jack marston and I'm four." Before I said anything to him, I heard someone saying in a woman's voice little worried "Jack? Where Are you?" And he said to that person "I'm here Mama, I'm just thanking this person for saving me" and I stood up again and then I thought 'Oh Abigail is here too' when I looked down at Jack, he was gone and I thought 'oh! he's gone I hope he's with his mama.'

Jack's POV:

I ran to my mama after thanking lucy, when I saw my mama, I said to her happily "Mama! Mama! I'm here and I made a friend and her name is Lucy, she is kind to me and she saved me from a big bull too" and when Abigail heard that, she said to him bit shocked while picking him up "oh!? Really? Do you remember what she looked like?" And I nodded, then I looked around quickly and when I saw Lucy walking to the saloon, I pointed at her and I said to my mama happily "That's her, mama! She's walking to the saloon." And then she said to me when she saw lucy "ok, I will tell Dutch about..." and we saw Arthur coming to us on his horse.

Back to my POV:

While I was walking to the saloon, I saw Jack with his mama aka Abigail and a man on a dark-coloured horse, I don't know who it is, maybe Arthur but maybe not. When I got to the saloon, I whistled for Moon to come and when he got to me, I told him to wait there and then I walked into the saloon.

When I walked into the saloon, I saw Sophie drinking some water because she is underage, then I went to the bar luckily tall enough (I'm 5'5ft) and the bartender said to me "Hello miss, your friend is over, so what do you want to drink today?" And I said to the bartender "Oh, beer please", before I put some money on the bar, the bartender said to me kindly "It's on the house, I heard what you did today, you were pretty brave by doing that." I nodded and I did the British smile that every British person does before I said to him "yea, you have to be when you work with those type of animals and i was shitting myself because I was so scared while doing it, hehe." Then I quickly looked at the front door and I saw two guys that I know from my favourite game aka rdr2, they were Charles Smith and Javier Esucella with two women close to them.

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