Jessica's Story

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Drunk - Jessica's Story

It all started out in college. I only took a 2 year course. I don't know what for, but I may go back to become a teacher or something. But, I met him, Derrick, because of my best friend Jake. Jake had told me so many stories about him and Derrick. I had been begging to meet him, but jake never mentioned he had a MAJOR drinking problem. That's probably why they had so many great stories. One day, Jake told me he had a surprise for me. We walked to the park, and there he sat. On the swing like a little kid, but he wasn't a little kid because he had a beer in his hand. 'Derrick, this is Jess.' Jake yelled. Derrick came running up to me an gave me a ginormous hug, he was obviously drunk, or was he? He finally put me down and he said his name was Derrick and he told me his favorite; animal, color, and of course, kind of beer. All three of us stayed at the park until midnight, when it closed. Jake and I had started walking back to our flat when Derrick yelled; Jessica! What's your number! He ran up to me and gave me his phone, I put my number in not thinking he was going to be calling, and texting me every single second if the day. In one text he said, and I quote, 'I'm taking you to dinner, wear something nice and be ready by 5' I thought he was being nice, until we got there. He took me to a fucking strip club. I was wearing one of my cutest outfits, cause ya know I thought we were going to go to Nando's or something, not a fucking strip club. We got there and he automatically left me. I just sat down at a table, staring at my feet. For a whole 5 hours! He finally came back and we ate for about half an hour then left, that had to be one of the worst dates ever. Then, about a week later, he asked me out again. I obviously said yes, because I thought I could give him a second chance. So, I said we should go to a real restaurant this time. He took me to Nandos. On a regular date, and after we went back to his flat, bad decision. Right when we walked in he pushed me up against the wall and stuck his tongue down my throat. After he was done pleasuring himself we watched a movie. I was sitting on the couch next to him, and he went to the bathroom. But, he came out completely nude. 'Let's do this' he said coming over to me and trying to take my top off. I pushed him away and grabbed my purse and coat and ran out of there as fast as I could. I kept running until I got to my flat. I ran inside slamming the door, Jake came running out and was in his boxers. I really liked Jake, but I didn't like Derrick. Jake was really cute, and I thought it was hilarious that whenever I got home, he came running out of nowhere in his boxers. He always did that. But this time was different, I've known Jake since the third grade, we've been best friends ever since. He knew when I was happy, and he knew when I was sad. He came running up to me and gave me one of his huge bear hugs. I started to cry, if you had walked in and saw that, you automatically probably thought that we were a couple. But, no. We weren't. I wanted to be, though. I told him everything that happened at Derrick's.

After that Derrick didn't bother me for about 5 months. But, one day he was in our flat just sitting there. I mean, Derrick was cute, but not as cute as Jake. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and he had a little stubble every time I saw him. But, Jake. Oh my gosh. He was like a god. He was a ginger, with gorgeous blue eyes. He was super tall, and was one of the sweetest guys I knew. But, that night Derrick told me that Jake had to go visit his mum in the hospital. Derrick told me I had to stay with him because Jake told him that I should. Now I know I shouldn't have believed him, but I was too overwhelmed by what was happening. I packed up all my clothes and stuff an went to Derricks. The first night I was there Derrick asked me out. I should've said no, but I said yes anyways. It started as a cute relationship, but then a curve ball came. He started handcuffing me to the bed so I couldn't run away, whenever he left he locked the inside so I couldn't get out. Every night he either, beat me, or pleasured himself. It was horrible. I managed to escape a few times, but every time he caught me and took me back. But, just yesterday I escaped again, and of course he caught me and took me back and threw me into a bedroom, and locked it. I managed to escape through the window and ran, and I looked back and tripped over the curb and that's how I fell asleep on your front lawn.

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