Chapter 2

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Sun is shining bright through my window, I let a yawn out and stretch

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Sun is shining bright through my window, I let a yawn out and stretch. Taking a glance at the clock, to only see it flashing red dots.

Great. Another clock bites the dust.

Pulling my phone up to see I have slept in until noon. I rush out of bed and run into my closet.

I knew it was a bad idea to stay up all night looking at new coffee beans. I have been wanting to come up with some new flavors with the holidays fast approaching. Thanksgiving and Christmas is coming up.

The new cream whip, dark chocolate espressos have been a hit for Halloween though. Especially, with the cute little designs we can make on the whip.

I grab my phone again, checking for texts and see Maddy has messaged me several times. Thankfully, she was there to open the shop this morning.

Maddy has been my friend since high school. Once we graduated, we both just wanted to get involved with something and our love of coffee is how  I came up with the coffee shop idea.

We was both in college and living off of coffee. I ended up taking some of the money I have from the life insurance policy I got when my parents died, to make my shop possible. Since then, Maddy has worked for me.

I lost both of my parents just a week after high school graduation. They were finally taking their vacation and didn't make the flight.

Shaking my head, I look over at our pictures on the mantle. I give the pictures a sad smile, and blow them a kiss.

I slip my shoes on and use my fingers to brush out my hair in the mirror by the door. This is as good as it is going to get with running hours behind.

Getting in my car, I make it to the coffee shop in no time. I live right in the middle of town now, having sold my parents house after they died. I couldn't stand to be living in the house that holds all of my childhood memories. It was not helping me to heal and move on being alone in the large house.

I have never moved out of Little Rose. It is where I was born and raised.

Now looking back on that, I give a sad smile. I have owned my coffee shop, Coffee-Holic's, for eight years and make more than enough to live comfortably. It was a small laugh when everyone found out a eighteen year old bought the shop, but here I am twenty-six and still running it.

I open the back door to the shop, and Maddy sticks her head around.

"It's not like you to be late." Maddy looks at me worried.

I roll my eyes, at her mothering hen nature.

"I am fine mom. My clock broke sometime after I fell asleep." I laugh.

"That is why there is alarms on the phone." Maddy giggles.

"I didn't think to set it last night. I was up trying to figure out some yummy flavors for the holidays." I tell her.

"I figured you was looking for dresses." Maddy smiles.

Oh, shoot me now. The Halloween Ball is tomorrow night and I don't have a dress still.

What is going on with me? I have never been this unorganized in forever.

"No matter. We can go find you one after we close." Maddy states.

"Yeah, if there is any good dresses left. Has it been busy this morning?" I ask.

"You would look good in anything." Maddy exclaims.

"No dear friend, I would not. Remember the yellow dress I wore at graduation party. " I cringe, thinking about the pictures I have hidden.

"Okay, yeah no. Yellow is not your color at all." Maddy laughs.

I shake my head and walk out to the front to check inventory on the grounds, when a customer walks in. Time for the lunch hour rush to start.

Time flies when busy. Soon enough four o'clock comes around and we close down for the day. Then again six in the morning comes around even faster.

"Are you ready?" Maddy smiles, pulling her bag out from under the counter.

Having cleaned the counters, while I done the inventory. I got a list of supplies to order tomorrow, once the morning rush slows.

I may need to hire someone else soon. It seems we have been even busier the last few months, which is great. It just makes it harder on Maddy and I.

"Sure am. I am guessing you have your dress and mask already." I look over at her.

"Girl, I've had it for a month already. You're the one that usually is prepared and I am the slacker." Maddy laughs, doubling over.

We walk out the back door, and I make sure the door is locked.

"Should we ride together to the shops or seperate?" Maddy asked.

"We can ride together. I was just going to grab something from the mexican place for dinner." I shrug.

Maddy hops in the passenger side, while I round my small car and get in. We go up the street and make one turn, parking on the side of the street.

We could have drove an hour further out to the mall, but I am not feeling it today. Besides, with the Ball coming up our little bontique here should have many dresses left, hopefully.

The older lady greets us and points to where the dresses are. I look through the rack of dresses. Finding a few to try on, but a red number has my eye the most.

Maddy follows in behind.

"What color is the dress you got?" I ask her.

"Black. Something to make these love handles look smaller." Maddy laughs.

"You're not even over weight." I give Maddy a stern look, as she simply shrugs off.

I move into the dressing room and try the red dress first. It zips up easily.

"Come out! I want to see." Maddy tells me through the door.

I step out and Maddy let's out a whistle. Moving over to the mirror, I am in love with this dress!

It shows all my clevage area, while keeping my breast modest, if I don't bend over much. The floor length gown is perfect, it doesn't have that poof factor which I love.

I go back and change into my own clothes. I step out and Maddy gives me a look.

"What? This is the dress. No need to try the others on." I smile.

"When you make up your mind you sure do it fast." Maddy giggles.

I go over and pay for the dress after picking out a black mask that will cover half of my face. Not bothering to find shoes, I have plenty in my closet to choose from.

I never understood the Halloween Ball with masks, but it is to raise money for the local orphanage. At least, I am set for tomorrow.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

May be a little to soon, but how are we feeling about Scarlett as an adult?

Anyone else big on coffees? Seems to be Scarlett's thing hehe.

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