Chapter 3

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I wake up gasping for air

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I wake up gasping for air. Another vivid dream. Running my hands through my hair, trying to bring my heartrate back to normal.

The last eight years I had been in the Army. I decided to get out instead of staying in. I have seen some horrible events with my short time in.

I thought being back in my home town of Little Rose would help, but seems like so much has changed in twenty years.

Needing a new start and find a different purpose in my life, brought me home. Mom stills lives three hours from here. I don't see what she ever seen in that large town, crime was ridiculous and the people are snobs.

I haven't heard from my own father in the last twenty years either. I knew he was alive until I made it to eighteen, due to the child support checks he sent. After that though, who knows. I don't care to talk to someone that could just leave their own child behind like that.

So here I am at twenty-six, starting up an auto shop and riding academy for people that want to learn to ride motorcycles.

The only girl and baby in my life is a little over five hundred pound, beauty. The sounds she puts out is better than any moans I have heard from a lady before. The shade of white and the chrome work, makes me drool every time I start her up. Looking out the window of this house I bought, there sits my Shadow.

It is the one purchase I made when joining the Army and that bike has been with me every since. Longer than any woman has so far, sadly.

I used to just tag a girl at the bar and that is it, but within the last few years I learned there isn't a point. My hand works just as well and no one has caught my eye either. I want to find the one and settle down, but then again that means I have to get out there and start dating.

No one would want to stay with me long. My past is beyond fucked and I am still trying to find myself.

I walk into the kitchen and start the coffee pot up. I see the picture of Emma and I, with the boy doll standing next to it that I still have. I leave that in the kitchen to where I see it daily, due to getting coffee.

A smile graces my face. I still remember the last day I seen her. Even being so young, I just wanted to be with her all the time.

Sadness pours through me. I have no clue where she even is now. Hell, I wouldn't even know what she would look like. Because I am sure she has changed from the six year olds we was the last time we seen each other.

Even if I seen her again, I don't know how it would go. Is she married? A pain goes through my chest at the thought.

I shake my head and snap out of it, right when a knock sounds on my door.

I see Alex's car from the window. So, I let him in and go back to the kitchen while he closes the door.

"Coffee?" I ask him.

"You know it." Alex smirks.

He is still the playboy I know from finding him on the field bleeding from a wound. He the only friend I have now, since leaving the Army. Some of the other guys still add me in their group texts, but they are all married and living the best life. As where Alex and I are bachelor's.

Alex loves going out and seeing where the next lay is. While I would prefer to just tend to myself or find the one to settle down with.

"I got our suits for tomorrow." Alex informs me.

"Might as well attend. The shop isn't up yet, but they still sent the letter for it." I shake my head.

I will go to help the kids out, but I don't see a point in the masks.

Alex holds up two masks that look the same. The only difference between us is his hair is a sandy blonde and mine is a a dark brown.

I pluck a mask from his hand and lay it on the counter.

"We are set to open Monday. So, it's not like we are not even that far away to opening." Alex tries to reason.

"I am going Alex, calm down." I roll my eyes, pouring my coffee and his.

I hand his cup to him.

"Good, because I need a wing man." Alex smirks.

"You will end up leaving me in exactly five minutes of being there." I rub my chin.

I need to shave, but there is a sense of difference by having some scruff.

"You could get laid too, if you tried." Alex says, his shoulders bouncing in silent laughter.

"I am going to donate to the kids. I don't plan on doing anything with the locals." I shake my head.

"Just wait, because there is two hot chi." Alex starts.

"Alright, alright that is enough from you. We need to get to the shop and make sure the last of the tools we ordered came in." I said cutting him off.

"Fine. I will take my coffee with me and maybe go the that little coffee shop across the street too." Alex nods.

Ah, there it is. Alex's talk about two hot ladies. It has to be the coffee shop.

I have been to busy trying to get my shop up and going, I haven't took time to see what has changed since I was a kid, and apparently that little shop is something that came in while I was not living here.

I get on Shadow and off to town we go. That was one benefit to buying this house, it is a easy fifeteen minutes from town but not city limits.

Alex follows in his car and we make it to the shop in no time.

"I'll get to checking the deliveries, boss." Alex says.

"You do that. I am going to do a tool count and see if anyone has signed up online for riding lessons yet. Oh, the new bikes for the classes are coming in today at noon." I tell Alex.

We get to work on what needs to be done. After today, the shop opens in two days time. I don't want anything going to chance with this place.

This small town was home once and I plan for it to be again. It is the only place that holds all of the good memories I have so far in my life.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

So first thoughts on Liam?

Seems like somethings may not come as smooth with him?

What about Alex there he seems to be the hyper one out of the two guys, right?

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