Chapter 36

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Yesterday went by way to fast

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Yesterday went by way to fast. Between Liam and I we got a good portion of my house packed up. It was interesting though doing it and not trying to touch each other, it just seems like I can't get enough of him at all.

This morning though, I rode in with Liam and walked across the street to open the shop. Maddy arrives within just a few minutes of me and bids me a good morning.

We get to work on starting up the machines and I give the one machine a death glare.

"Can you help me chuck this out in the dumpster out back?" I ask Maddy.

"Sure." She smiles.

We pick the heavy machine up and get it outside and over into the trash. Right where the darn thing belongs.

I don't even care about calling the company at this point and time. That one hang up was enough for me. So, I will just get online and buy another one and from a completely different company.

I walk back in the shop with a smug grin on my face, feeling like that is the best revenge on the machine. It is crazy to feel that towards a inanimate object, but I do or did.

Customers start to swarm the shop and Maddy is moving at an incredible speed. I look over and feel bad that I am not pulling my full weight currently, but it is hard to make the coffee. Making the small fun desgins in the foam and serving with just one hand that is working normal is taking even more time than usual.

My right hand the three fingers are still completely numb and it makes it hard to know I grip something just right and not spill anything. So, I am on the slower side on getting things served to customers all together.

The morning rush is soon over and we are at the slow times. I walk to the office and bring up the computer.

I start looking through machines and find a few that I fell in love with immediately. The one will open us up to even more possiblities too.

I hit the order and pay the total without blinking an eye. I still have more than enough money and at this point, I could hire several people and never have to work again. That to me though just sounds so boring. I want to be in my shop and working, it is what makes me happy.

"I have the list of things we will be needing within the next few weeks." Maddy smiles, walking in.

"Thanks!" I smile, taking the paper.

"Hold on right there!" Maddy exclaims, scaring me slightly.

"What?" I ask.

Maddy pulls my left hand and I try to hold my laugh back. Busted.

"You're engaged! When did this happen? It is such a gorgeous ring!" Maddy rattles off.

"Saturday after the trip to the emergency room." I giggle.

"I need details!" Maddy pulls me out front so we can watch for customers while she hears all about it.

"Well, Liam got us take out and then took me to a park outside of town. My mind was on the machine mainly but it stopped and I was surpised when the park became glowing in Christmas lights. Me being me had to go and sit on the swings and that is where he proposed." I tell her dreamily over the glorious moment.

"That is just the sweetest!" Maddy giggles, holding her chest in awe.

"Yesterday we spent the day packing up my house. We decided on living at his house and it becoming ours. So, mine will be sold." I tell her everything.

"Really? Is there a way I could put an offer in before it hits the market? Houses seem to go so fast around here and I just want a house and out of the apartment." Maddy shocks me.

"Yeah, we can do it that way if you truly want the house." I nod.

"I will pay whatever you want and we can go through a bank or lawyer which ever is needed to make it legal. I love that house, it is perfect for what I would really want." Maddy smiles.

"Give me a few days and we can figure it all out. I just want to get my stuff out of there." I smile, as she pulls me in for a hug.

"Have you guys figured out a wedding date?" Maddy smirks.

"We figure sometime in August which gives us roughly eight months. I want to hire someone to help us here in the shop because we have been busier. That way we can take a honeymoon too." I let her know.

"I think we could really use the help too. That way we both can have days off and not stress the other." Maddy laughs.

"Exactly. So, how is it going with Alex?" I ask.

"The best I have ever had. I didn't just fall for him in bed but for him all in general. Alex is sweet, kind, and funny. We have so many things in common and it is boring when we don't stay with each other." Maddy's eyes shine brightly.

"I am happy for you too, girl." I give her a big smile.

Walking back to the office, I order the supplies we need. It always is a happy feeling when the order is complete. Then when it comes in, it almost feels like a little gift opening the box up. The adult way of gifts.

"Any plans for Christmas?" Maddy asks, once I step back up front.

"Spending it with Liam is all I know. I don't think his Mom will be coming here and he has said before he really doesn't like the city she is in." I shrug.

"Oh, I got a new machine coming in and should be here within a day or two." I let her know.

"I could've called the company for you on the one we tossed." Maddy sighs.

"Nope. I got hung up on once and I was sweet on the phone, then tried to fix it myself which probably voided the warranty anyways. The trash is where it belongs." I shrug again, shaking my head.

I am excited for the day to be over and the shops close to get more packing done up.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Busy, busy times for them all, but seems like they are all happy and with Christmas right around the corner.

What may come next? Could there be someone coming back in the picture soon?

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