Chapter 25

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Her lips on mine causes me to freeze for a split second, because after how things have been I am not expecting this

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Her lips on mine causes me to freeze for a split second, because after how things have been I am not expecting this.

Kissing her back with everything I have, makes it hard to keep it a soft kiss. I am going at her pace though and this is the best kiss I have ever had in my life. 

Pulling back some, I need to let some air in my lungs and help clear my head. My little friend is growing and trying to let it be known what it is thinking, and it is much to soon for that after the stunt I pulled.

I need to make sure it is what she wants and show her how sorry I am first.

This is Scarlett and I need to do things the right way, even if things have been more like everywhere with us.

Scarlett leans back and sits up straighter, running her hands through her hair.

"So the Army. What was it like for you?" Her voice comes out almost dazed like.

"Many words can describe it. Ugh, I had options to where I stayed busy and that is what I done. I had the most experience in mechanics and learned some with the medical area. There is lots of reasons I learned the medical and it was because I would hurt seeing others hurt and not know what to do."

"Did you ever get involved in heavy things?" Scarlett's voice is quiet but soft.

"Combat? Yes that is what I started out in. Which is where I met Alex, actually. We was both in that area and tranferred to mechanics. He finished his contract out a lot sooner than I did by six months and was already living here just getting used to civilian life again by time my contract was up. I had the extra time from where I was learning medical side prior to mechanics so it had extended me just a little." I answer.

"I didn't know he was prior Army too." Scarlett nods.

"While I was in all we talked about was home, which was here for me. Alex had no family since he grew up in foster care. With all my stories I had here as a child he felt a connection with this town too. We knew that we both wanted out once our contracts were up and I wanted to start the auto shop and he wanted to work for me, so here we are." I chuckle slightly, thinking over the exciting conversations Alex and I had before we got here.

"So that is the dark parts of your past you try to stay away from?" Scarlett asks.

I let out a sigh, rubbing my neck.

"Yeah, I tend to have flash backs to some of the moments and they aren't always good. Most of the time it seems like I am reliving the last moments with the one friend when he took his last breaths before going in the Army. There is times I can't close my eyes without seeing a vivid memory and which case I don't sleep or barely sleep at all." I tell her honestly, something I have never told anyone before.

Scarlett looks back to her parents grave stone.

"I can say honestly the best sleep I have had in years, and not from pure exhaustion, was when we talked until falling asleep on the phone. Then when you stayed Saturday night with me." I say, causing Scarlett to whip her head towards me.

"Our dinner dates and talking always came easy with you and nothing seemed to be forced, for me at least. I stayed away from talking about my past, because I thought no one would be able to handle me. Since most people don't want someone with baggage." I let out a huff.

"I am not like that though. I am glad you have answered everything I have asked and trusted me to tell me." Scarlett smiles at me.

"I can't hide from you when asking and now I really can't you was my first friend and I want you to be the last love." Oh good God, I just got cheesy as they come.

Can I smack myself now? I would only be like this for her though.

Scarlett giggles, and it is the one sound I love coming from her lips.

I love her with everything I have. Wait. I just confessed that to her basically.

"There is one thing I want you to see. I hid it when you stayed the night, because the last serious relationship I was in five years ago the lady got mad because I wouldn't part with it. There is two items I carry with me everywhere I went from my past and the only items I hold onto." I take her hand.

"Where are we going?" Scarlett asks.

"My house. If you're okay with that?" I ask.

Scarlett nods her head and I help her into her car. I jump on Shadow and she follows me the ten minutes to my house.

Scarlett parks her car and waits for me at her car. I walk up to her and take her hand. Leading her up to the house, I unlock the door.

Not letting go of her hand, I drag her to the kitchen behind me.

Standing in front of the counter, I smile at the doll and picture I done put back in it's place Sunday night after I learned the truth.

I move and Scarlett is looking at me, not even noticing the items.

Smiling at her, I point down to the items. Scarlett lets out a gasp and holds her mouth.

"That is the exact picture of us I have. No wonder you pieced it together Sunday night. You still have the doll." Scarlett whispers, tearing up and moving to hold a hand over her mouth.

"I couldn't ever let anything happen to these items. They meant the world to me and still do. This is where they stay to where I could see them daily." I smile and gently tell her.

"I love you Scarlett. Always have, even it is started out as innocent friends. Now, though it is more than friends, I love you and will spend the rest of my life showing you if you let me." I whisper, pulling her into my arms.

It feels like heaven having her against me, even just a simple hug from her is the world.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Liam is wanting to do things the right way now. Will they be able to go mellow before they can't resist going back to the sheets?

More on Liam's past, but it may be good for them to just share it all.

Sweet moments that Liam shown Scarlett the two items he has kept all through the years.

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