Chapter 24

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Flash backs are a thing and I was having them like crazy from my younger years

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Flash backs are a thing and I was having them like crazy from my younger years. No sooner as Liam said he is Hunter, my mind went back to all the times we would be playing and I would hear his full name.

I had to get a close look at his eyes again and sure enough they are his. That is why he seemed so famaliar like I knew him on some level and sure enough I did.

Along with the way he talks when he was relaxed.

That still doesn't help the hurt I have felt by him running out the other night. We could have talked about it then. Maybe he is being truthful at the fact it was such a shock, but it is to me now and you don't see me running off.

Liam looks nothing like he did when we was six years old. The only thing the same is his eyes. Liam is not the skinny, slightly short than me boy. Now, he stands just a few inches taller than me, and buffed up.

Oh God, I have done the dirty deed with my child hood friend twice. What is even more embrassing is we used to play like we got married, well for six year olds it was just a candy ring and dancing in circles, nothing like adults since at the time we were innocent from knowing what love and sex was.

I am thankful Maddy spoke up, because if I don't talk to Liam now I may chicken out and just ignore it all.

He may be good at running and hiding his past. Well, I am good at ignoring and not talking things out.

Driving to the cemetery, seems to be where I am leading us. Liam is on his bike following behind me and I am going until it feels right for us to find a spot to talk.

I put the car in park and walk to the bench that is sitting at the bottom of my parents grave. I spent a lot of time here when they past. It is a way not only to feel close to them, but to feel like I am getting some of Mama's wisdom. She always knew what to say.

First thing that catches my attention is sunflowers on Mama's side. A soft smile graces my lips, she would have loved those.

"May I sit?" Liam gently asks.

I nod my head.

"I hope it is okay to talk here. It didn't feel right going to my house, since you ran out the last time." I say bitter still about it.

"I am sorry Scarlett. I know words don't mean much but I will show you how sorry I am if you let me." Liam chokes up some.

"Show me how?" I ask, curious.

"I would show you love, cherish you, and not hide anything again. Ask me any questions and I will answer them honestly, no matter how dark it may be for me." Liam sighs, looking at the head stone.

"What was it like once you moved away from here?" I ask. A broad area and kind of covers many things at once.

"Still don't hold back." Liam laughs.

"Have you known me too and especially now since the Ball?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Guess not." Liam sighs.

I watch as he rubs his hands down his face.

"We ended up moving about three hours away. The city that Mom moved us to is not safe and there was not a day that something wasn't going on. She still lives there actually. Anyways that day we left, was the last time I seen my father as well. I know he was alive until my eighteen birthday, due to child support coming in but he never tried to contact me and I haven't tried either." Liam pauses and looks off.

"There was many times growing up, I just wanted to talk to you or see you. Mom would not drive me here for a visit, saying it held bad memories for her. I never called because the city is loud and I never wanted you to hear what was going on around me. I only made one friend while living there and right after graduation, the same night actually, he was killed." Liam's face shows so many emotions.

I want to reach out and touch him, but I am worried if I do he will bottle everything up again and I won't know him from the last years we spent apart.

"I seen his body after it happened before the parademics got there, but the guys that done it ran off. After that, Mom still refused to move, I left and joined the Army. I didn't have the money to move back here or I would have." Liam shakes his head.

"I lost my parents the same time you lost your friend." I tear up.

I point to the date on the head stone and it was the day of graduation.

"They watched me walk across the stage and that night went to get on a flight for their first vacation in years. The flight had one stop before it got to where they was going. So they got off the plane to do some walking and was killed." Tears flow freely, as I try to wipe them back.

Liam wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around him.

"I am so sorry Scarlett." Liam whispers in my ear, and kissing my head.

"We can't change the past, no matter how bad we want too." I mumble.

"No, but if you let me I want to give you the brightest future." Liam pulls back and looks at me.

I see nothing but honesty in his eyes and behind his words.

"So you won't run again?" I whisper.

Liam shakes his head.

"No. I won't ever run again. You will have to do much more pushing and throw in some kicking to make me ever leave again." Liam tries to joke.

I lean in and kiss his lips tenderly, trying to put my emotions into it. I want somone to love and I want it to be my Liam Hunter Kinsford.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

The talk went pretty good right?

Scarlett now knows it all and is accepting to the fact of everything. Sad that they bond in the way of losing people, but they can share that day together in grief.

Scarlett and Liam are going to give it a try.

Smooth sailing from here would make the most sense right?

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