Chapter 10

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All night long the guy in the mask seemed to be the highlight of my dreams

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All night long the guy in the mask seemed to be the highlight of my dreams. Not that I can complain about it.

As many new ideas I spent the rest of the day going over, I could have sworn that was what I would dream about.

Looking in the mirror, I let out a sigh. Maybe I should treat myself to a little shopping journey. It is the same boring clothes day in and day out. Jeans and some nice blouse is the go to for work. Sure, there is some summer dresses in the closet but for the weather starting to have a chill in the morning I refuse to suffer.

Bipolar weather makes it hard to plan for so maybe some new shirts in the least can be warranted.

Grabbing my keys, I race outside. I had got a text from Maddy this morning, who is running slightly late. So, I need to get in and open up and get things ready for the morning rush.

One part of working as a team. I have enjoyed it but the amount of traffic that comes through we are going to need some extra help. We do well enough, I am not worried about it causing a strain. I am just stuck on who to hire, the only thing I can do is take out an ad.

I flip on the light for the little sign we have in the window. Walking back to the counter, I start a few of the machines up with fresh brew. Knowing some of the regulars come in for a simple cup of hot regular.

It seems like time flys, as I fill many towns folk orders. Maddy walks in the front with Alex.

"I am here. Sorry, I had an issue with my car. The tow truck took forever. At least Liam's Auto Shop has a customer." Maddy grunts.

"I have told you for a couple of years now you need a new car." I chide.

"I love that thing though. Hopefully, after this fix everything will be wonderful for a long time." Maddy sighs.

"What can I get you, Alex?" I ask him, while Maddy gets her apron on and washes up.

"Surprise me. I am by no means picky on coffee." Alex smiles.

I make up a vanilla latte for him and hand it over, as he pays. Maddy walks out and leans over the counter giving him a kiss.

I turn to where they had some form of privacy, but they are doing it out in the open.

Thankfully the morning rush is over with and this is the quiet time we typically use to regroup.

A tall handsome man walks through the door. He smirks over at Maddy and Alex.

"I thought you said you were getting a coffee, Alex." The guy laughs.

His deep voice takes me off guard. Once his head turns to me and I see his eyes I know, without a doubt in my mind, it is the guy from the Ball two nights ago.

"You." I stare at him.

I probably look absoutely ridiculous since I know my mouth is open some. Why it never occured to me that he would show up here. He knows Alex?

"Me." He smirks.

"You are the lady from the other night." He continues.

"You're the guy from the Ball. Same voice and gray eyes with blue specks." I try to keep the dreamy tone out of my voice.

"Liam." He holds his hand out across the counter.

I shake his hand, even if it feels beyond weird to do since the events that has already happened between us.

"Scarlett." I reply quietly.

Maddy walks over and smirks. I am going to get a load of crap from her. Can already tell, especially since she knows what I done with this guy.

"What can I get you?" I ask.

"Surprise me. Coffee is coffee, right?" Liam says.

"Uh, no it is not the same at all. There is plain coffee, boring. Then there is so many flavors that can make your taste buds happy and sing on their own." I ramble some.

I make him up one of my classic favorites, a caramal vanilla with a whip cream and a dash of cinnamon on top.

"Here you go." I say sliding it over.

Liam pays and takes a sip of it, nodding his head slightly.

"I will give you that. After having your special once and now this, I could be transferred into thinking it is different." Liam smiles.

"Alex, we better be getting to the shop. We have our first vehicle to fix and I got to get the schedules made for Maddy and your's riding lessons. Plus, we need to let these lovely ladies do what they may need to tend too." Liam smiles.

I watch Liam's butt as he walks out and across the street. Good God, can those pants fit him any more perfect.

"So, it is weird my new guy works for his boss and I work for you. My boss is oggling his boss." Maddy snickers.

"If you want to talk about that, then let's talk about you being one of his students for motorcycle lessons." I clip right back at her.

"Why not, you know? It is something I can say I tried and learned to do." Maddy responds.

I notice when our supply truck pulls around back.

"We are not finished. I am curious what got you into learning new things." I laugh.

"I am not finished with you yet, either. That was way to awkward watching you two. A hand shake after the back alley quicky. Really?" Maddy keeps laughing.

I shake my head and go open the back door. I count the product that arrives and make sure everything is there that has been ordered.

The rest of the afternoon, I spend in the back with the new items. I have taste tested so many different things, I feel like bouncing off the walls around.

How could Liam think coffee is all the same. There is so many different coffee beans and grounds that can be used, with each and everyone having a unique taste.

At least I have a name now for the dreams and thoughts that keep going through my mind. This keeps up and I may need to express order some batteries.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

They finally know each others names!

Scarlett seems to be in a state of shock with Liam's phrase with the coffee, but they did seem awkward. Which Maddy called them out for in a way.

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