Chapter 31

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This weekend has been something else

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This weekend has been something else. After spending the day Friday with Scarlett in her shop, she seemed to have gained energy from somewhere.

After working with her in the coffee shop Friday, Scarlett was pumped from Christmas decorating. Needless to say, her house and mine both are deck out for the holiday season.

Seeing her smile made me the pansy I am, so it is all her way. I duck down a little to walk through the lights that have been strung up inside my house. I prefer not to get hit with multicolor light bulbs.

Scarlett stayed here last night. We have been bouncing between houses since the day before Thanksgiving. Something that has made me happy, and sleep comes so easily now.

Scarlett left early this morning to get to her shop. She is trying to figure out one last new flavor for Christmas, since she prefers having a minimum of four flavors on this holiday. I know she has the one nasty one with eggnog than she has a mint one and cookie one.

I offered to go in with her but she told me she wants to let the flavors talk to her to surprise me. Part of me is glad she turned my offer down, because today with my shop opening at normal time gives me time to go ring shopping.

Alex and I talked some on Thanksgiving day, and we both have the same idea about it.

For me, I know without a doubt I want to make Scarlett mine forever. It was a shock with Alex though, but should have seen it coming.

So, with both ladies at the coffee shop already now makes the best time to go looking. Because I don't want to lie to Scarlett about what I am up too. If need be I'll tell her I needed to tend to something.

I get in my truck and go straight to the town over. Having texted Alex over the weekend, we both decided not to shop in our town just so no gossip can ruin it for us all.

I pull into the little jewelry store and see they are open already. Nice! Now, I can go in and look if anything matches what I am wanting.

Most of the weekend, Scarlett was talking about decorating and my mind was stuck on the perfect ring. Finally, last night one came to me and now just to find it.

Alex pulls up right when I step out of the truck.

"I am pumped and beyond ready for this!" Alex exclaims.

"Me too." I smile.

"Damn right you are! I need a picture of this, dude. She has you smiling and you just look dazed out." Alex starts laughing.

I shake my head and walk into the store.

"Hello gentlemen. How can I help you today?" A older man greets us.

"We are looking for engagement rings." Alex answers before I can.

The older man looks between us. "I have a nice men's selection over here." He moves over to one counter.

"Uh, am I missing something?" Alex leans over to whisper.

I let out a huge laugh and hold my stomach.

"Sir, I apologize. We are not together in that way. Although, you handle that very professional I will send anyone to you." I shake my head in amuzement.

"We are looking to buy rings for our girlfriends." I clarify.

"Oh, my apologies! Do you have anything in mind or looking to browse first?" The man asks.

"I know what I am looking for." I nod my head.

"I don't know, so maybe browsing." Alex answers.

Alex gives the man his price range and is shown where the rings would be for him. After he is looking, I tell the guy what I am looking for.

As I explain, the guy nods and hums a few times.

"One second." He says before disappearing into a room off the the side.

"Liam, come look at this." Alex waves me over.

"What about this one?" He asks.

I look to where he is pointing and nod my head.

"It is nice." I answer him, causing him to grin like a love sick fool.

"I have these currently. If they are not exactly how you want, then we can get the book out and try to order it." The guy walks back in.

I move over and see the perfect ring.

"That one right there." I point.

I get rang up and finish the purchase and Alex follows behind a second later paying for his.

We walk back out to the trucks.

"Now, to figure out how to propose." Alex scratches his head.

"Time to think about that getting to the shop to open." I laugh.

That is one little detail I may already know how I want to do it with Scarlett. It just needs to be special to us and unexpected to her.

I know she doesn't care for fancy restaurants so that was automatically a throw out idea. There is no reason to do it there if she can't stand the place. No, I want her to enjoy it and be special for us and totally unexpected.

The current plan is to get her to go for a ride on my bike with me. There is a spot I have found that is beautiful and away from everyone, just out of town. Now, just to figure the food part of and where to hide the ring in the saddle bags to get everything there.

Do I leave it in the bags and ask her to get something and find it? Or do I go traditional down on one knee?

I already know what I want to say to her during the proposal. I just need to fine tune the details and that is if I can get her on my bike. It is on the cold out, so maybe using my truck would be the best thing to do. It is in driving distance with my truck.

I pull up to the shop and unlock the door, while Alex pulls in and opens the garage doors up.

Both of us get to work on the vehicles we have to repair. We are quiet thinking over what we just done this morning.

The precious little gem is sitting in the dash board of the truck locked up. That alone has me excited and ready to do it tonight, but I want it to be perfect for my girl.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

The guys bought rings!

Any ideas on how Liam just might propose to Scarlett?

Little sneaky how the guys played it to go and buy the rings. Smart though for not doing it in town that way the ladies can't just find out by hear say.

Let's see what comes next and when he will pop the question!

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