Chapter 22

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Rolling over I watch as the sun comes up

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Rolling over I watch as the sun comes up. Most of the night I spent crying. I can feel my eyes are puffy, so I get up and wash my face with some cool water.

Seeing my reflection in the mirror, I start to get a heated feeling growing in my chest. The anger slowly coming up and taking over.

I should never have let someone in again, this is where I always end up. I knew better. I fall hard and fast.

Liam though, to just basically run out like that.

I shake my head. There is nothing I can do but move on and focus on my shop. I tried to call him twice and sent one text, that is still sitting on unread by him.

Taking a quick warm shower, helps to soothe my muscles. I needed this, it is like a new slate for that day.

I walk in my towel to my closet. I grab a pair of jeans with a plain black blouse that has some lace work on the sleeves and chest area.

Throwing on the clothes quickly, I  slip my flats on and grab my phone.

Walking out to the kitchen, I stare at the counter. Nope, not even hungry. Coffee will be the best thing, and I know just what I am making when I get in.

Grabbing my wallet and keys, I spot the jacket on the rack. I put it back there after coming inside last night. His cologne wafting from it still makes my knees weak.

No. That goes back today. I don't want it here.

I use one finger to hold it out and toss it in the trunk of my car.

I sit in the car and look at the time. If I leave now, I will be early to the shop by an entire hour.

I dail Maddy's number.

"Hello." Maddy answers on the third ring.

"I need you to give something to Alex this morning and he can give it to jerkoff." I quickly get out.

"What happened?" Maddy's voice takes on a worried sound.

"Liam basically ran out last night and he wouldn't answer my calls or text. So, when you come in get in the trunk of my car and give his jacket to Alex." I huff out.

"Sca.." Maddy starts.

"Please let's just drop it for now. I am just angry at how things happen and I don't even know what I may have done." I interrupt her.

"Okay. I will be in ten minutes before opening time." Maddy sighs.

"Thanks." I hang up a second later.

Putting the car in drive, I make it to the shop in no time. I go to the back and see a box laying on the ground.

I unlock the door and pick up the box. Taking it to the office, I open the lid and it is my banner.

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