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The arena was electric. The air was buzzing. The cheers were deafening.

Brad smiled as he sat by the keyboard, looking out at the crowd as he took it all in. He could feel the sweat dripping down his back, the backstage crew muttering in his earpiece, his belt digging into his stomach a little, but none of it mattered. The euphoria of performing in front of thousands of people overtook anything else. Playing his music, seeing the crowd, hearing them singing their songs back to him. He loved that this was his life.

"You guys are AMAZING!" He said into the microphone as he settled. "Ready for the next one?"

The crowd erupted into screams yet again. He tested a few keys, then adjusted his mic slightly.

"This is one of my favourites," He said, starting to play a slow intro. "It's called Missing You."

Brad had played this song a hundred times. The melody and the lyrics came automatically to him now, like a second nature.

For some reason though, as he pressed the keys, tonight his mind wandered back to the reason he wrote this song.

It hadn't happened in a while, but he soon found that he wasn't even paying attention to the crowd as the thoughts of you flooded through his brain. Remembering the day you left. Maybe it was because this particular concert was in the city that you ended up in, miles away from him, miles away from what you'd started to build together.

5 years ago

"Brad! BRADLEY!" You yelled, running through his house to find him. You found him in his garden playing with his dog, Jesse. "Baby look!"

You thrust the piece of paper into his hands, not even waiting for him to stand up. You were fidgeting on your feet as you waited for him to read it.

"You got in?!" He asked after a few seconds, as if he hadn't just read those exact words himself. He looked up to see you grinning, bursting with happiness, and he threw his arms around you and spun you round, his face buried in your neck as you squealed, Jesse bounding around the two of you. "I'm so fucking proud of you!"

"Thank you! Ugh god I've been stressing so much, but I did it! I FUCKING DID IT!" You squealed in happiness again as he set you down on your feet and kissed you.

"I knew you would, princess." He smiled as you parted, then he looked at the letter again. "Which uni is this?" He asked as his eyes scanned the page.

"The one in Prague!"

"The.." All the heat drained from his body as he spotted the university header. "Prague? You applied for uni in Prague?"

You frowned at him.

"I told you about this, weeks ago. They have an amazing photography programme and look," You pointed at the letter. "They've even offered me a scholarship. Do you know how rare that is?"

"You never told me you were applying to live in Prague?!" He snapped, unable to control his emotions at the thought of you being in another country.

"Yes I did! I told you when the guys were over writing that song about having long hair or something. I said that I couldn't sit in because I was busy applying to universities and Prague had an amazing programme!"

"I didn't think you'd apply for it! I thought you were just making a comment about it, not considering it!"

"Why would it make a difference anyway?" You scoffed, your hands going to your hips. "It's my education, I gotta go for any opportunity. And it's a good job I did go for it, because I got in!"

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now