
483 8 0

2 Years Ago

You groaned as you saw Brad's name on your phone screen. The incessant buzzing had woken you up, and when you realised it was 2am, and your ex was calling you, it didn't exactly put you in the best mood.

You fell back to the bed, rubbing your eyes as the buzzing stopped. Then it started again.

"UGH!" You yelled into the dark room, grabbing your phone and answering it. "What do you want, Bradley?!"

"Heyyyyy Luka!" He cheered from the other end.

"You're drunk." You stated, sighing heavily. "Brad it's the middle of the night."

"I knowww. I've been out. With a giiiiirl."

Your stomach twisted unpleasantly. A year of not hearing from him, and he wanted to tell you about a girl?

"I don't want to hear about this." You snapped.

"No, please. I just... Ugh." He let out a frustrated groan. "Just don't hang up. Please." He added in a whisper.


"I couldn't do it." He said, sniffing, and it was then that you realised he sounded sad. Emotional. Like he was crying. "I tried, she wanted to, but when we got to actually doing anything..."

"I mean it, I don't want to hear about you and some girl."

"I kept thinking about you." He sighed. "Everytime I tried to just...get on with it. I kept thinking of you." He chuckled mirthlessly. "Typical isn't it? I tell you to fuck off, then I'm the one that's pining after you."

You stayed silent, bundling the covers around you, as the ache started spreading through your chest. You wiped a stray tear from your eye.

"Why did you call me?" You asked, trying to make your voice sound normal.

"I just...I missed you." He sniffed again, and you wondered where he was, what he was doing.

"We're not together anymore, you really shouldn't be calling me in the middle of the night. Or at all."

"I think you're my person." He said, ignoring you completely. "Even if I was engaged, about to walk down the fucking aisle, I reckon if you turned up asking to get back together I fucking would." He laughed. "That's what happened tonight. Laura is really nice, like super nice. And she's pretty. But all I was thinking was that I wished it was you."

You both stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"Are you still there?" He muttered.

"Yeah. I'm here." You replied. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say."

"Do you ever think we can get back? To how we were? Or have I fucked it up completely?"

"Brad.." You breathed, rubbing your eyes with your free hand. He laughed suddenly.

"Right, stupid. Pretend I didn't say that. I'll let you go back to whatever you were doing."

"Sleeping, Bradley. I was sleeping."

"Right, that. You can go back to that. Sorry that I woke you up."

"Where are you?"


"Where are you? Are you home? Somewhere safe?" You asked, more out of habit. You always hated the idea of people wandering around alone in the middle of the night.

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now