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The one condition that you gave Mel when you accepted her proposal, was that you wouldn't be the one that had to tell the band. She graciously agreed, and said that they would be notified on Monday. When Monday rolled around, you were in your office, pulling the photos together with the marketing lead for the campaign, and you kept looking at your phone.

You were sure that one of the guys would call you as soon as Mel told them you were going with them on the festival tour, and you were adamant that Brad would be the one to call.

So you spent your entire day being an anxious message, your heart almost stopping everytime you got a new notification, but the call never came through.

At 4.30pm, the only thing that did come through that was somewhat related to it, was a text from Brad.

Brad: What's your address?

You frowned at the text, the content not being what you were expecting at all. You sent him your address, and wondered why he wasn't pointing out the elephant in the room. Mel would have told them by now, you were sure of it. So why didn't he want to talk about it?

Brad had replied that he would pop over to yours this evening, which confused you even more. You were half tempted to ask why, but then half of you wanted to just wait and see.

When you finally got home, you tidied your flat, because...well, it was trash. You'd been avoiding chores for a while, so now that you were having someone over, it was time to clean. Plus, you felt like you needed to make a good impression on Brad for some weird reason.

Brad let you know when he was 20 minutes away, and then that was when the anxiety really started to settle in. Sure, you two were trying to be friends, but you weren't the level of friends where you could just pop by each other's place. He must be coming to talk to you about the festival, but then why couldn't he have just texted his opinions? Or call you?

When he finally knocked on the door, you gave your body a little shimmy, trying to shake out any obvious nerves, before answering.

"Hi." You greeted.

"Hey. Hope this is alright?" He asked, already stepping over the threshold as you moved to the side.

"Yeah, no problem at all." You replied, closing the door as he kicked his shoes off. You both stared at each other for a second. "Oh, do you want a drink?"

"That'd be great, thanks." He smiled, and he watched as you headed to the kitchen to rummage in the fridge.

"I have fizzy, juice, beer?" You offered.

"Juice is fine."

You nodded, grabbing the carton and pouring two glasses. You put them on the counter, and he took hold of it, but he didn't drink any, just stared down at it. You tapped the glass with your fingers as you waited for him to speak, the counter putting a relaxing amount of distance between you.

"So how come you wanted to come over?" You finally asked after almost 30 seconds of unbearable silence.

"Oh, right." He laughed awkwardly, running a hand through his curls. "We uh, we spoke to Mel."

There it was. He did want to talk about the festival.

"Okay. And?" You probed. He looked up at you and sighed.

"I know we're trying to be friends." He stated. It still didn't explain anything though, so you waited. "Which is good. Obviously. But..."

"But it's going to be weird." You muttered. He licked his bottom lip.

"We're just going to be very...around each other. For a month."

"I'm aware." You scoffed, taking a sip of your drink.

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now