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You took your hand from Maggie's, glancing at Brad as the words replayed in your head.

'Luka is a friend from college'.

The rest of the table seemed equally shocked at Brad's introduction. It was fairly well-known news that you and Brad were together, for a long time, and your consequential, chaotic break up was also fairly well-known in your friendship groups.

But it appeared that he hadn't told Maggie any of this.

You shrugged it off, catching the guys' eyes as you had some more of your drink. You felt Maya's hand on your thigh, offering some silent comfort. It's not like you were exactly heartbroken at the fact he introduced you as 'someone from college', but it had made you feel uncomfortable.

Maybe they hadn't been together that long. Ryan knew that you and Brad had dated, but you hadn't told him all the explicit details, so maybe Brad hadn't got to that point with Maggie either. Although it was odd that he hadn't even mentioned to Maggie that you and him were a thing.

You slipped yourself back into the conversation, focusing more on the others instead of the boy next to you. The next round of drinks had been delivered by the bartender, and you were shocked at the high level of service, but chalked it down to the fact that the guys probably spent shit loads in this pub regularly.

Once that round of drinks started to empty, you needed a bit of a social break, so offered to put in the next order at the bar for everyone. You waited at the bar, the list of drinks ready on your phone, taking a deep breath as you eased up a little.

You ordered the drinks, then realised that you still didn't feel completely relaxed. So you asked for them to be delivered to the table again, headed outside, grabbing the cigarettes tucked in your pocket, and lighting one as soon as you stepped out into the fresh air.

You sat on the bench that was just outside the door, breathing in the smoke, exhaling loudly, as though it would expel all your frustrations with it. Closing your eyes, you tried to disappear into the feeling, when you felt someone sitting next to you.

You opened your eyes to see Brad. You rolled your eyes automatically. He was what you were trying to step away from.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." You nodded, taking another drag of the cigarette.

"I saw you leaving. Thought you were annoyed or something."

"No. Just needed a minute." You replied, staring at the floor between your feet.

"I didn't know you smoked."

"I don't really." You said, rubbing your forehead with your free hand briefly. "Usually only when I go out, sometimes. Figured I'd need one tonight."

"Hmm." He agreed. Then he shifted a little, so that his upper body was facing you, his arm going to the back of the bench. You looked at him. "I'm sorry."

"I feel like you're saying that a lot since I came back." You teased.

"For what I said. To Maggie. It just came out." He admitted. You inhaled, taking another drag. "I haven't told her about you. I didn't want to make it a thing, have her get upset or anything."

"Wouldn't she be more upset that she didn't know she's spending the night talking to your ex?" You countered.

"Probably." He agreed. "But...it's not a conversation to have in front of everyone."

"Why haven't you told her?"

"It just...hasn't come up."

"Right." You scoffed, not believing him for one second. "You've never had a conversation about your exes, or college?"

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now