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When you woke up the next morning, there were a few things that whizzed through your mind before you could even open your eyes.

One - Your head hurt.

Two - You and Brad talked about a lot of shit last night.

Three - You were tangled up in a body.

Now, it shouldn't have surprised you. Even when you were together, you and Brad always woke up on top of each other. Even if it was boiling hot. Even if you were angry at each other. And this morning appeared to be no different. It was odd how your bodies just seemed to remember how to fit between each other after spending so long apart.

When you finally opened your eyes, you looked around to see what kind of state you were in. Your face was pressed against his chest, his right arm over you, your legs tangled together. His head was just above yours, and you could feel his breath hitting your hair every few seconds.

Talk about inappropriate.

You started to pull yourself out of his hold, as slowly, and as carefully as you could. First your legs, then your arm, which was squashed underneath him and quickly losing feeling. Just as your hand got to his ribs, he shifted. And inhaled. His arms tightened around you.

"Morning." He groaned as he moved his head, finally opening his eyes and looking down at you. "This is a surprise."

You both moved away, him rolling onto his back as he ran his hands over his face.

"I'll get coffee." You mumbled, rolling straight out of bed and stretching your arms above your head as you walked out the bedroom. You instantly flicked the kettle on, and started making up a pot of coffee. After a few minutes, Brad appeared in the doorway, and he appeared in a full outfit.

You handed him a mug.

"Thanks." He said gratefully as he sipped it. "Sorry about ...the bed."

"It's fine." You commented.

"How are you feeling?"

"Ugh." You groaned as you took a sip of your own coffee. "My head hurts."

"I meant about us." He reiterated. You looked over at him sitting down at the counter.

"Brad, it's a bit too early to have this conversation."

"It was all a bit heavy." He replied as he nodded. "Until the dancing." He smirked.

"Then it was just you that was heavy. When you landed on top of me."

"Well. I'm not the one that brought vodka."

"No, but you are the one that just seemed to have gotten larger since the last time I saw you." You said quickly, before snapping your mouth shut when he smiled at you. "Oh shut up."

"Nice to know that you think I'm large."

"Arrogant too." You mumbled, hearing him walk around your kitchen while you kept your eyes down, drinking your coffee. He placed his half full mug next to you.

"I should get going." He said, the corner of his mouth tugged up into a half smile. "Thanks. I guess we will know in a few days whether we're..." He waved his hand between us.

"I guess so."

He nodded, tapping his hand on the counter once before turning, and heading to the door. You followed him, putting your mug down on the way, opening the door as he put his shoes on.

"I'll see you next Saturday." He said as he stood in the doorway.

"Yeah. See you then." You replied.

"Is it weird if we hugged?"

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now