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The show in Berlin the next evening was wildly uneventful compared to the others. Not that the guys weren't good, they were. But you were so used to this weird tension now that you weren't constantly anxious anymore.

You didn't reply to Brad's text. He didn't acknowledge it the next day. As though it had disappeared along with the wine in your system.

You were both in a relatively nice situation-ship, with some weird sort of understanding that you were both just trying to be friends, with the occasional compliment thrown in. The wine tasting helped you realise that even though you'd spent three years apart, and the year or so before being horrible - you could still be nice to each other, and have fun together. It also helped you realise that there was clearly still some kind of pull between you.

It translated over to the plane journey from Berlin to Southampton, where the guys joined Team B in the back, playing travel games, card games, and generally having a nice time. For once, the stuff between you and Brad wasn't making it awkward for everyone else, and you liked that.

You were feeling good about how it was all going. You kept forcing yourself to stop thinking about the kiss, because you needed to see how you and Brad could act without thinking about that part all the time, and so far, in the last 50 odd hours, there had been no hiccups. That is, until you all were gathered round the reception desk at the Southampton Hotel.

"I'm so very sorry but there's been an admin error." The clerk explained, the apology written all over her face. "We have six less rooms than you had booked."

"So how many rooms do we actually have?" Joe asked in anger.


The group groaned. We were much larger than ten. That meant that some of us needed to share.

"Okay, fine." Joe said in defeat, asking for the room keys then turning back to us. "Who's up for sharing?"

"We'll share." James said immediately, pointing to him and the band.

"Us too, it's no issue." You added with a smile, on behalf of Team B.

"Thanks," Joe sighed, chucking the keycards onto the coffee table in between where you were all standing. "Sort it yourselves and take a card." He said with a wave of his hand.

"I wondered how long it would take before we'd all have to bunk in with each other." Connor laughed as he picked up a card. "Tris I got ours."

You picked up another.

"Who wants to share with me? I'm gorgeous in the mornings." You grinned as you looked round the group, your eyes falling on Rohan with the hope he would offer.

"I'll take the blow, none of you should see her first thing." You turned to see Brad smiling at you after his comment.

"No." You snapped, making him laugh.

"We don't get a choice in sharing." He countered as he stepped towards you.

"We get a choice in who with." You frowned, holding the keycard away from him as he reached for it. "What about James?"

"He can share with Rohan." Brad smirked. "Right Rohan?"

"Yeah! Yeah that's fine." Rohan replied, and you glared at your friend. Rohan just smiled back at you innocently.

"What are you playing at?" You hissed at Brad as the others started moving around you to sort out their own rooms.

"What? We're friends aren't we? Friends share rooms." He grinned, swiping the keycard out of your hand, winking at you, then heading to the lift. "Come on, friend!"

"Bradley this is not happening!" You yelled as you ran after him, with Tris, James, Connor and Rohan following you sneakily. Soon, they were crowding you into the lift, pushing against your back so that you were forced to be in very close contact facing Brad. "What are you guys doing?" You snarled at them over your shoulder.

"Oh it's just such a small lift!" Tris sniggered, stretching his arms out to make you stumble more into Brad's chest.

"I WILL SET YOU ON FIRE TRIS!" You shouted as the doors closed, and they all erupted into laughter, finally stepping back so that you could stand on your own. You glared at Brad. "Give me my keycard."

"Our keycard." He smirked.

"We're not sharing a room!"

"Is there some kind of problem with you two sharing?" James asked as he tried to control his snigger. Connor and Rohan weren't so successful in hiding theirs. Brad waited for the glare on your face to disappear, but when it didn't, he sighed.

"Oh come on. We've been to this hotel before. There's a couch for me, don't worry about it." He explained.

"You think that's all I'm worrying about?" You retaliated, folding your arms over your chest. He licked his bottom lip as he debated his next answer, painfully aware that the others were not so subtly listening over their shoulders.

"Well, think of it this way," He finally said. "If you end up killing me, you get the room to yourself." He smiled.

"That's not a bad idea."

"I think Joe would be pissed." Connor piped up as the lift dinged, and the doors opened.

"He's easily replaceable." You shrugged as they all started filing out into the hallway. As you stepped forward, Brad grabbed your elbow and tugged you back, his mouth coming to your ear.

"You sure about that princess?" He whispered, making your entire body shiver.

"Stop it." You growled back, trying desperately to replace the energy in your body with anger. But he just walked past you, smiling innocently, and headed down the hall. You stomped after him, dragging your suitcase, your mind reeling about how you were going to play this.

You didn't really have the energy to be angry anymore. And if Brad was right, that there was a couch, there wasn't much room for anything to happen.

Maybe you could just act like you were fine with this. It was four nights. Four more nights, then you would be back in your flat, alone, and could actually think about all this. Actually have some space without his presence affecting you.

Turns out that Brad was right. There was a couch, and a bed. As you closed the door behind you, he was already putting his suitcase next to the couch.

"You can have the bed you know." You offered, not moving from in front of the door.

"No chance." He chuckled.

"Or we can alternate?"

"Luka," He laughed as he walked up to you, putting his hands on your shoulders. "It's fine. The couch is fine. Stop overthinking."

"You're the one that made me overthink. What kind of idiot idea is sharing a room?" You scoffed, pushing his hands off your shoulders and heading to the bed.

"Do you actually want me to swap rooms?" He questioned, but he caught onto the fact that you paused. "Look, do you remember how we used to lay in bed, half asleep, and talk about the deep shit?" You nodded slowly. "That's what I was hoping for. For you to get into bed, me to get on the couch, turn the light off, and we'd actually talk, like normal. Maybe talk about this. We're still walking on eggshells around each other."

"So you wanted to share a room so that we'd have some deep midnight chats about our feelings? How adorable."

"Come on, it's not the worst idea I've had, is it?" He grinned, and you found that your annoyance was quickly evaporating into thin air. You looked at the ground to hide your growing smile.

"Not the worst." You finally agreed. "But a heads up would have been nice."

"Well, here's your heads up. Once the lights are off, get ready for some deep and meaningful chats." He smiled, then turned to walk back over to his suitcase, starting to take his clothes out.

You exhaled as you looked up at the ceiling. Sure, this was gonna go just fine.

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now