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Your hands went to his chest the instant that his lips touched yours. The intention was to push him away, but when his mouth moved against yours, your hands just found the material of his shirt, and your fingers tightened around it.

It'd been three years since he last kissed you. And yet, your body was reacting as though you had never stopped. Your lips were moving in tandem with his, your back arching and pressing your body against his, a sharp, tingling sensation flooding through you when his hand slid around your waist, anchoring you closer.

Your abdomen shot with a hot spike of desire when his tongue ran along your bottom lip.

That's when you pushed him off.

You were both breathing heavily as you stared at each other.

Then you stormed back into your room, exhaling loudly as your mind raced with what just happened.

"Luka, Luka stop-" His hand grabbed your arm and you spun round, wrenching it out of his grasp.

"What the fuck Bradley?!" You shouted.

"Calm down, I-"

"No, WHAT THE FUCK!" You growled as you started walking off again to the other side of the room. "What the fuck is going on in your brain that thought that would be a good idea?!"

"The fact that you let me." He retorted.

"Oh so it's my fault?"

"I didn't say that." He stepped towards you, holding his hands out to put on your arms, but you just pushed them away. "Will you just let me talk?"

"You didn't wanna talk ten seconds ago." You scoffed. He gave you a look.

"Do you want me to be the first to say it? I don't... think this is over." He admitted. "And I don't think we're over each other."

"That's ridiculous-"

"Luka, stop. We need to talk about this, properly."

"No we don't." You replied, the tears forming in your eyes. "This never happened. Please leave."

"Come on-"

"LEAVE!" You shouted, stopping whatever he was about to say. He just looked at you, his shoulders dropping in defeat, and he nodded.

"Fine. But when you are ready, come and find me." He said, before heading to the door, and leaving.

You fell to the floor the instant that the door closed, the tears falling thick and fast. So many things had happened in the space of 30 seconds.

Brad kissing you. Cheating on Ryan. And Maggie. Admitting that you both still have feelings for each other. It was a lot for one person to handle. You didn't want to handle it. Before he did that, before he said all that, you could chalk everything you had been struggling with down to just being around your ex. Now that he said those words, you had to face the fact that you still had feelings for him.

You could still feel his lips on yours. You could still feel the ghost of his hand on your waist. You could still feel his fingers on your jaw.

You squeezed your eyes shut as you sobbed. How the fuck could you let this happen? If you hadn't been so insistent on trying to be friends, it wouldn't have gotten this far. If you had just kept your distance, stayed professional, maybe things wouldn't have gotten so blurry, so mixed up.

You woke up the next morning not remembering getting into bed. You trudged to meet the rest of Team B, sticking close to them as you explored Paris for the rest of the week, and trying your best to pretend that you were enjoying yourself. The truth was, every time you had a second of silence, a second to think, your brain reminded you that Brad kissed you. So you were trying to avoid seeing him.

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now