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From the moment the plane touched down in Mexico, it felt like everything was a massive rush. The teams were once again split into different buses, and you and Team B were taken straight to the hotel, with the band going to the venue for initial walkthroughs for later this week. You had four full days before the first festival show, so once you had settled in your hotel room, unpacked, and organised the camera equipment you would need for the show, you also made a separate bag for your tourist photos. You'd transferred the pictures from the plane onto a separate memory card, and this one would be just for you. Of the trip, the sights, anything not related to the festival itself.

Hey, you were travelling to some beautiful places, why wouldn't you take pictures that were just for you?

It wasn't until the next day that James messaged you about going out and about with them. You did think that the other Team B's weren't getting this kind of treatment, but then you remembered that none of them had known the guys for close to 7 years. Still, you made sure that they were invited along as well, and before you knew it, you were heading off in cars into the town.

The first place you wanted to go was to the Monumento a la Patria. One of your coursemates had included it in their portfolio during your university course, and ever since you laid eyes on it, you had made it a life quest to visit. The guys were more than happy to make it their first stop, seeing as they had no knowledge of what's good in Mexico, and when you arrived, it was even better than you expected.

The carvings were beautifully done, over 300 depictions of the history of Mexico, with the foremost figure of a woman bringing it all together as a work of art. You wasted no time in getting your camera out while the guys admired from afar.

One of them wasn't only looking at the monument.

Brad was glancing over at you every so often, watching you lose yourself in taking pictures, moving around to get the best angle, kneeling on the floor, huffing when people walked in front of you. It was nice to see you getting so into it, and he could see the happiness on your face everytime you looked at your camera screen, and realising that the picture had come out great.

After an hour or so at the monument, you all regrouped and headed off into town to explore some more. Along the way, you kept taking pictures. Merida was a beautiful, vibrant city, and you tried your best to capture its essence with your camera. By the end of the day, your camera was already bursting with photos of buildings, passer-bys, animals, scenery, and of course, the band and the team enjoying themselves.

The second day consisted of more exploring, this time aided by a taxi driver that the hotel had acquired for you. He showed you to a beautiful secluded cenote, one away from the tourist-ridden ones, with a waterfall, a large open spring, and even a little cave to one side. You'd jumped at the opportunity to swim in it, not even waiting for the others before ripping off your clothes down to your underwear, with Rohan and Lizzie following right behind you. The three of you jumped in together with gleeful screams, the water feeling positively refreshing against the heat of the air. As you surfaced and shook the water out of your face, you saw the rest of Team B and the band stripping down as well, jumping in one after the other to join you.

You, Tris, James and Connor started playing shoulder wars, with you on Tris' shoulders, and Connor on James' shoulders. You and Tris won, obviously, although you had cheated a bit with Tris kicking James under the water and making him fall. Then, suddenly, no one wanted to play with Tris, so you were looking for replacements.

"Rohan! Play shoulder wars with me!" You yelled across the water, where he was splashing with the videographer.

"There is not a chance in hell that I can lift you up!" He yelled back.

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