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Your brain struggled to process the scene. Maggie was in Madrid. With Brad. On the tour.

Days after you kissed her boyfriend.

You ran behind Rohan and leant against the wall as you groaned.

"What?" He asked, frowning at you.

"I can't deal with that right now." You hissed. "Can we go? Get our rooms or something?"

"Joe is sorting it now. Why can't you deal with it? I thought you and Brad were okay?"

"We...yeah. Fine." You stuttered, not really wanting to explain it all.

"What happened?" He asked, turning to face you with a disapproving look on his face.

"Okay Rohan, jump to conclusions much?!" You tried to argue. He kept staring at you, then his eyes widened and he gasped.

"Ohmygod did you sleep together?!"

"SHH!" You hissed, flapping your hands to make him quieten down. "No! Categorically no, we did not do that!"

"But you did something?" He asked, a smile creeping over his face as his eyes started twinkling in glee. "Oh you little homewrecker you!"

"Not helping!" You whined as you screwed your eyes shut. When you looked over his shoulder, you saw Brad and Maggie starting to walk towards the hotel. "I just...need to not be around him. Or her. So can we go and somewhere else? Please?!" You tugged on his hand, trying to drag him inside, and he just cackled as he let you guide him.

"I think Lizzie owes me twenty quid." He commented as you both walked through the hotel towards the lobby seating, and you slumped down into one of the chairs.

"What?! Why?"

"We had a bet on how quick it would be before you and Brad did something. This counts. Whatever it was." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"You're the worst friend ever."

"Hmm, that's because I'm not your friend. I'm your work bestie. We operate on a different level." He chuckled, but when he saw you put your hands over your face, his laughter faded away. "Okay seriously, what is going on? I know you guys used to date, but what? You still have feelings for each other? Or it's just a 'hey, you're here let's bang'?"

"We didn't bang!" You whisper-shouted. "And I don't know. I don't know what is going on. But it won't happen again."

Rohan nodded from beside you, taking in your words. Then he leaned over to you.

"But was it good?"

"ROHAN!" You squealed, pushing him away as he laughed, yet again, at your dire situation.

Joe finally came round to you, handing out the room keys just as Brad and Maggie came through the front door. You ran over to the lift, and headed up to your room to get showered and changed. It was early enough in the day that you could go out for some lunch and see some of the area you were staying in. This week was shorter than the others, with the band playing a gig in Madrid on the Thursday, and a gig in Germany on the Saturday, before heading back to the UK for the final festival gig in Southampton on the final week.

The end was in sight, you thought. You were so close to all of this being over, and you could finally get back home, have the distance that you and Brad sorely needed, and work out what you were actually going to do about all of this. Just another week and a half. You could do it.

Your ability to be able to handle this started chipping away at dinner though. It had been suggested that you all go out to dinner together, which was such an amazing idea that everyone enthusiastically agreed to.

The Ghost of You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now