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The pouring rain stole my attention while Mr Henry informed Miss Lauren why my last foster parents couldn't keep me anymore. Hugging my brown, worn out teddy bear to my chest, I smiled when I saw a stray kitten huddled in the corner outside.

It made me feel a little better, knowing I wasn't the only lonely one in the world. I kept my eyes on the young animal as it jumped onto the ledge of the building next door. I strained my neck to see him as he kept going. Walking quickly, it sneaked into a half opened window and disappeared. My brief happiness diminished along with its departure.

I wished it could take me with it. We'd find a nice, warm corner somewhere and snuggle until the rain went away. I didn't like the rain, it only made me sad because I never had someone to hold me when I got scared. Most of the kids I knew were adopted and found a family that liked them. Every family I got eventually sent me back. It wasn't so surprising anymore, I thought that maybe there was something wrong with me.

"Thalia. Come here." I heard Miss Lauren call for me.

Moving away from the window, I skipped to where they stood. "Yes, miss Lauren?" I hung my head back to see her.

"Say goodbye to Mr Henry." She told me.

I looked up to the man who'd been with me for years. They told me he was my social worker and would be responsible for finding me a new home. I was nine now, and I still didn't have a home.

"Goodbye, Mr Henry. I'm sorry this family didn't like me anymore." I said with all my nine year old innocence.

In my defense, I did try to be a good child, but it never worked out. I was tidy, I never complained about the bigger kids when they bullied me and I did my homework. I tried to eat less so that there'd be enough for everyone else too. I smiled politely and never refused when I was given chores. Yet, they still sent me back.

The man frowned and crouched down to my height. "I'll find you a permanent home, Thalia, I promise."

"Okay, Mr Henry." I smiled, though I didn't believe him anymore.

Miss Lauren took my small hand in her wrinkled one, pulling me towards the rooms. In her other hand held my one bag with the few items I owned. Two t-shirts, pants, a dress and four underwear. I thought it was enough, there was only one of me anyway. Miss Lauren led me away from where I knew the rooms were, guiding me to the common area. Holding my brown bear closer, I eyed the old mattress on the floor.

"Now, Thalia, this is where you'll sleep. All the other beds are taken and I'll arrange for something better tomorrow." Miss Lauren said.

I smiled with a nod of my head. "Thank you, Miss Lauren."

The lady frowned at me before leaving. Sitting on the old mattress with a white sheet covering it, I took off my dirty shoes and socks. I laid my head on half of the pillow and placed my bear next to me.

"Don't worry, Tubby. Someone will want us one day." I whispered.


The unknown man above me grunted and thrusted his hips quickly. I'd already cum, now growing bored of him taking too long. Finally, after waiting a few more minutes, he rolled off of me.

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