Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Move over." I grumbled, face smashed into Kenzie's chest.

"I want hugs." She denied my request and pulled me closer.

I struggled to get out, but the stubborn woman wasn't letting go. "It's too hot for this."

"Never too hot for cuddles."

"Get off."




I pinched her stomach.

"Ow!" The woman yelped and finally let me go.

"It's too hot." I turned away and shut my eyes again, giving a relieved sigh.

I wasn't lucky enough to go back to sleep. The feeling of eyes on me kept me from doing so. I turned my head to see big, blue eyes giving me a sad look. Ignoring that look, I faced away once again. I huffed quietly, knowing she was still doing it.

"Let me hug your arm."

I whined and lightly kicked a leg. "Fine."

She hurriedly yanked my left arm to her chest and placed her face on my shoulder. I exhaled slowly, eyes to the ceiling. I gazed up at the dancing reflection of the moonlight that came in from the window. An abundance of warmth that had nothing to do with the unsual heat at night filled my being.

Slightly turning, I strained my eyes to see her sleeping face from our position. The warmth increased, and my heart did a weird thing where it felt like it was being flipped but pacified at the same time. I lifted my hand, tracing a finger along her cheek down to her full lips.

A frown replaced the stoic expression on my face. I couldn't be...

Pushing that thought away, I pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead and closed my eyes to join her in sleep.


Finishing the last of my work, I packed and locked up the gym. Tonight was cold, and I felt an instant chill when I walked out of the building.

Looking both ways, I brought my jacket closer to my body for added relief from the night air. I usually enjoyed the walk home, but tonight seemed to be dragging on for far too long.

I kept my head up as I walked, hands stuffed into my pockets. The only sounds that could be heard were my boots against the pavement and a vehicle in the near distance. There wasn't anyone around. The streets were empty, and stores were already locked up.

But, then there was another sound that came from my pocket. Fishing out my phone, I smiled when I saw her name. Kenzie was at work tonight, and there was no doubt she was calling to ask if I'd gotten home.

"Kenzie," I murmured into the phone.

"Hi," came a soft reply. "Home yet?"

"No. I'm walking there now." I looked both ways before crossing the street, though I knew there were no cars around.

"I'll stay on the phone until you get there."

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