Chapter Twenty Three

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I locked up as the last customer left and picked up the cloth to start wiping down the tables. I was halfway done when someone knocked on the door. By the rocking head I saw through the window and long twists moving with each movement, I knew who it was.

I didn't open the door right away, instead opting to watch the woman enjoy something as simple as standing and waiting. Kenzie confused me most days with how easy she enjoyed everything. Since living with her, I would see her get excited over a song or movie she'd seen a hundred times like it was the first.

Snapping my mind into focus, I went to let her in. That grin of hers spread across her lips, bright eyes even more sparkling. "Hey."

"Hi, ready?" She stepped in and I locked the door again.

"No. I'm cleaning." I let her know while I picked up the cloth and resumed my work.


I looked over my shoulder to see her chewing on her lip, eyes darting around the room. "I'm almost done."

Kenzie grabbed the broom, held it out like a sword and swung it twice. "I'll sweep."

Not bothering to respond, I shook my head and together we got the bar cleaned up. On our way back to her place, I felt her eyes on me. They glanced my way so often that I started counting each time. Seventeen times in the short walk.

The taller woman reached for the door to the building and I stilled for a few seconds. My eyes followed her grip on the handle, up her arm to her face. Her brows lifted, plump lips curving into a smirk. I clenched my jaw to not smile and bumped her shoulder as I walked past.

"You wound me, woman." She sang from behind me.

"I can open my own doors."

"I know." A small whisper.

I was standing on the first step of the flight of stairs when I turned to her and she stopped abruptly. With the added height and her proximity, I got a full on view of her face. For once, I didn't have to look up to see her. That smile stayed, smooth chocolate skin begging to be touched. Both handsome and beautiful, soft and carved out just right.

I cast my eyes to her lips. "You said you'd kiss me whenever I want."

She took a step forward, our bodies apart by a breath. "I did."

"So kiss me." My hand reached up to skim her jawline.

I heard an intake of air from the woman before her mouth took mine. I exhaled into her mouth before giving in to the kiss. Kenzie's hands snaked around my waist and pulled me to her body, my own hands gripping her biceps.

Our first kiss was soft and gentle, but I wanted more this time. Her lips moved against mine sweetly, almost as if she was scared to take it further. I did it myself, slipping my tongue in her mouth and coaxing her to deepen our kiss.

Kenzie's hold around me tightened while she took the hint and kissed me more desperately. She took me off the step and backed me against the wall, my neck craning back to adjust to her height. I pulled her down by her neck, biting her bottom lip and earning a moan.

A sense of pride bubbled in me when her composure stumbled momentarily. I rejoined our lips, not liking that we stopped. Kenzie regained her posture and took back the brief control I had, her mouth dominating mine.

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