Chapter Thirty Three

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I left the bedroom with a huge smile on my face.

"That sounded intense." Paul said through a mouthful of food.

I kept walking towards the kitchen, whispering so only he heard. "Uh huh. She might stay."


I watched him lick his fingers, my face one of disgust. "Yes, might. But definitely not leaving me. Stop being nasty."

His eyes looked at his food as though it was the very best thing in the world. "It's so good."

I didn't need to be told twice, marching myself over to make one as well. I made one for Thalia too, putting it aside and biting into mine. Paul was right, this was a good sandwich. Some sauce dripped down my chin and I messily wiped it off. I caught Paul's eyes and we both nodded in agreement, it was perfect.

"You're both being disgusting." Came Thalia's voice.

I finished my bite and pushed her plate towards her. "I made you one."

The woman whose eyes were a little red, most likely from crying after I left, went to wash her hands at the sink. My blue eyes followed her every move until she sat on a stool, grabbed her sandwich and brought it to her mouth. I licked my own lips as hers opened to bite into the food, I swallowed hard. Chastising myself for being a pervert right after she was distressed not so long ago, I looked down to my half eaten sandwich.

I occupied my lust filled eyes on the countertop while finishing my food. Paul kept Thalia entertained with his non stop talking which she seemed to enjoy. When we were done eating, I cleaned up the kitchen as the other two searched for a movie to watch.

I sat myself down between the two on the sofa and gave Paul a quick shove aside. I didn't miss Thalia's small giggle and I smiled proudly, but faintly, at the genuine sound. I grinned wider when I saw they chose a movie with Kate Beckinsale. I couldn't remember the name, but I didn't care. I had a beauty right next to me and one on the screen too!

I scooted down and spread my legs, mindful of not taking too much space. Somewhere during the movie, Thalia's head found its way on my shoulder. I, as gently as possible, scooched closer to her. I smiled towards the screen when she did the same.

To my right, I heard a small snicker. When I turned, I saw Paul laughing at me behind his hand. I was too happy the woman was still here with me to care about being made fun at. So, I settled against her warmth and continued on with our movie.


"But everyone loves weddings." I whined to Thalia from my lying position on the floor.

"What's so great about them? They'll probably get divorced in a year anyway." She mumbled back.

I propped myself up on my elbows to see her sitting figure better on the sofa. "Free food. And don't be so bitter."

"Why do I have to go?" She asked, gaze flicking down at me.

"Because I want you to." I gave my best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"They're your friends."

"I get to bring a plus one."

"Take Paul."

"Paul got his own invite."

"Really?" She asked with a lifted brow. "Who's he going to bring?"

I opened my mouth but I didn't know either. "I don't know actually. I don't think he gets many dates around here."

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