Chapter Fourteen

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Finishing my last set of deadlifts, I placed the weights back in its place. I continued on for another hour, needing the extra energy burned out.

I was trying my best to not be a creep and stare towards Thalia at the reception desk. I waved and smiled when I got here, but she only gave a half hearted wave back. I pushed aside the little hurt I felt, reminding myself that I didn't know her story.

My legs burned by the time I was through with my leg curls, my muscles sore and begging for me to stop. Drenched in sweat, I stood with my hands on my hips as I calmed my breathing.

I needed sleep and food, having gone without both since I dropped Thalia off last night. The protein shake I had this morning was long gone from my system and I just wanted to go home.

"Hey," I heard a familiar voice say to my right.

I turned to it and flinched when I saw Daphne standing there. "Hey." I took a deep breath in and held it in.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Avoiding, are we?" She leaned her shoulder against the treadmill she stood by and smirked.

I slowly released the held breath, not entirely focused on the woman before me. Thalia was at that moment, making her way towards a room labeled 'employees only.' Her eyes were as they usually were, glancing around her but not really settled on anything.

I considered each and everyone that got swept in her gaze lucky as her eyes, brown with green decorated around her irises, granted them attention for mere seconds. For a few seconds they were solely all she saw, fleeting and gone before you could register the privilege.

I wondered what she thought of, of what kept her mind occupied. What kept her up at night because it was clear to see,  sleep wasn't always her friend. Nightmares, did she have them? What were they of? What did those dreams she once had consist of? Why was a smile, something so easy for some, difficult for her?

Her eyes floated over me, a cursory glance. Then those eyes stuttered, tentatively flickering back to where I stood. I wanted to rejoice, to gloat, to boast. I had her attention more than anyone else in here did.

Thalia regarded me, head slightly slanted but steps still precise. Now, more than ever, I wished I could have a peek into that mind of hers. I craved to know what she was thinking right then, why she sent me a barely there smile and looked away as she disappeared from my line of sight.

Just like that, her attention drifted away from me and I found myself wanting to throw a tantrum. It was sudden, foreign, the feeling that washed over me.

I had to will my body to stay put and refocus on the other woman in front of me. Daphne was staring at me with an amused look but I ignored it. "Just busy. With work."

She nodded, eyes disbelieving. "Want a work out buddy?"

"I'm actually done." I gestured to my appearance. "And I actually have to get going."

"Right. Well-"

"Shit," I blurted out. "I'm late. Gotta go. Have a good work out." I was already making my way to the locker rooms.

By the time I was cleaned and changed, it was well past two. Thalia no doubt would be gone. I sighed and shrugged on my leather jacket, slinging my gym bag over my shoulder.

Walking past the reception desk, another young girl sat there. I pushed the door open and rolled my sore shoulder. I was too tired to walk, but started on my way anyhow.

"You're late." Said her voice but I was startled and let out a squeal.

Hand to my chest, I looked to my right to see the shorter woman casually leaning against the gym's building. "You scared me."

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