Chapter Seven

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Pushing my trolley down the aisle, I scanned the shelves for what I needed. I mindlessly hummed while shopping, putting healthy and some unhealthy in my cart.

Looking around, no one was here so I obviously had to put in some dance moves to go with the beat. I advanced my humming to singing quietly, doing a small spin towards the coffee on the top shelf to my left. Another spin and I grabbed the vanilla creamer I wanted.

The process went on. I sang, I danced and I shopped.

I finished it with the twist dance move, pausing when I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around to see Carl, Paul's grandfather, eyeing me weirdly.

"H-hi, Mr Lahey." I waved awkwardly.

A trembling hand came up and he pointed at me. "My dear wife and I," he coughed, taking his handkerchief out to use. "We used to dance like that."

"That's great!" I chirped. "Wanna join?" I stepped closer but he halted me with a firm look.

"Only crazy people dance in the grocery store, Miss Mackenzie." He grumbled and gripped his own trolley.

I grinned at the adorable old man. I saw where Paul got it from, they were both alike in a lot of ways. Except, Carl was also strict and scared me at times.

"Is Paul with you?" I looked around, trying to spot the boy.

"He's somewhere about the place. That boy is like an annoying fly, buzzing around in unwanted places." The old man slowly walked to the shelf and grabbed a box of chamomile tea bags.

I stayed with him, not trusting his shaky hands and slow walking to keep him standing. "Can I take you back to your grandson?"

Glossy eyes peered at me sternly. "Go away. Come by for dinner on Wednesday, but go away." He shooed me off.

That's mean, Carl.

Like the stalker I was, I pretended to shop at a slower pace and stayed behind the man. I'd sent Paul a text to inform him of his grandpa's whereabouts. If I knew anything about my new friend, it was that Paul never let the elderly man go anywhere alone.

I was proven right when a flustered Paul rushed in and bent to catch his breath. "Grandpa," he panted. "You are in trouble." He stood with his hand on his waist, still trying to regulate his breathing. "You had me looking all over town for you. That's not okay!"

"I am in charge of you. Stop telling me what to do." Carl spoke slowly and waved his grandson off, continuing with his shopping.

Paul huffed. "I'm not telling you what to do, but you can't wander off."

"I raised you. Be respectful." The old man warned.

Paul and I trailed behind his grandpa, receiving glares from time to time. I picked up whatever I needed on certain aisles, but I was mostly done with my own shopping.

"Thalia. It's Thalia. Be cool, be cool." Paul whispered while being anything but cool.

"Where? I don't see her." I turned a full circle trying to locate the woman.

"Don't look. I said to be cool, Jace." He panicked.

"You're not being cool." I harshly whispered. "Where is she?"

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