Chapter Fifteen

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The tree bark dug into my back uncomfortably, but I couldn't care enough to move.

I'd come to the park earlier than usual and write more than my hand could take. Flexing my fingers, my eyes scanned the view of the park. I spotted one man jogging on the other side while two women were just a few feet away, hands swinging rapidly at their sides.

I leaned my head back, eyes trained in the distance on the small hill. My head slanted to the left as I caught sight of a figure walking down. I knew who it was immediately, this town not having anyone else quite like her. From her build to her walk, the leather jacket to her motorcycle, all somehow unique on her.

Kenzie was unlike anyone I'd ever met, weird, quirky, a dork. Her presence was different from anything I had experienced before. Happy, so positive that it grated at me sometimes, warm and stubborn, persistent, annoying. She made me curious, curious of what she wanted.

I knew she wanted something, and I had nothing to give.

Kenzie did a jump, hitting both of her feet midair before landing again. I watched on as she headed my way, stumbling on absolutely nothing. She did a quick full circle, hand rubbing her forehead as she looked to see if anyone saw her almost fall.

My lips tugged upwards in a small smile, pen tapping on my closed book. The woman began walking again, this time slower. Her head rocked side to side, long dark twists swaying with the movement. Both hands sunk into her pockets as she kept her eyes down.

When she was a few feet away, I watched her come to a halt. Caribbean blue eyes stared at me as she smiled at first but then seemed shocked. Kenzie stumbled back as if being caught doing something wrong. Then she grinned and made her way to me.

The woman sat in front of me, long legs criss-crossed. "Hi."

"Hi." I raised my eyebrows as I watched her smile never falter.

"I usually leave you alone but you weren't busy writing." She scooted closer. "Did you walk home last night?"

"I did." I hooked my pen in my book and placed my clasped hands on my lap.

Kenzie's smile faded then. "That's not very safe. You should've woken me up."

I frowned then, curious about why she made it a big deal. "You were dead to the world after you fell asleep. What sense would it have made anyhow? You walk me home, then back yourself back alone?"

"Yes." She answered slowly. "Makes perfect sense to me."

I looked away, biting my lip to not give into the smile. I focused on the dog running free, a young girl following. A man and woman slowly trailed after them, their hands clasped and faces held smiles.

It was a wonderment now, the meaning behind the word 'family.' I'd seen a lot of different kinds, many ranging from bad to extremely bad. I'd always thought about why or what could occur to bring about the nasty actions they never failed to make. I couldn't look at them so I cast my gaze away, feeling a pair of familiar eyes on me.

Kenzie didn't know how to be subtle, the woman blatantly stared. Our eyes connected and she immediately smiled, they were always big enough to reach her eyes. Big, childlike blue eyes that sparkled with every word, movement, smile or laugh.

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