Chapter Thirty Five

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My head hit the pillow, Kenzie's body falling with mine. Our lips somehow stayed connected throughout the tumble to get to the bedroom, clothes dropping on our way there. Her coarse hands touched wherever she could of my naked body, our sexes pressed together.

"How do you taste so damn good?" The woman mumbled between kisses on my neck.

A small moan escaped my lips when her teeth bit into my flesh. "Lower."

"Patience." She murmured against my breast, tongue darting out to lick my nipple.

My body shook with impatience, a whimper leaving me as she sucked. "Don't have it."

"Wait," A demand.

Kenzie teased me the entire night we were out with Blue and Vivian. At dinner, her hand made my upper thigh her home with an occasional trip between my legs. She'd lightly glide her finger over my underwear, prying my legs open when I attempted to close them. I was completely soaked and ready by the end of the night.

The woman slowly, tauntingly, made her way down my begging body, lips leaving a trail of kisses as she did. I squirmed under her welcomed torture, my right hand shoving at her shoulder in a silent plea. She ignored that plea and went on with her sweet torment.

Settled between my spread legs, arms locked around them, she blew on my pussy. Her tongue flicked, barely, on my clit. She did it again with more pressure. That tongue licked the length of me, pushing into my opening and increasing the pleasure with each gentle thrust.

Reaching down, I grabbed Kenzie's hair and shoved her head deeper into me, my hips bucking up for added relief. But the cruel woman only let out a dark, quiet chuckle and released her hold on one of my thighs. Her now free hand removed mine from her head, looking up and pinning me with a wicked stare.

"You don't listen, Thal."

I whined in protest but my little tantrum fell on deaf ears as she ignored me. Before I could comprehend what was happening, my body was flipped and a pillow was propping my ass up for her. My face was buried into the mattress until I turned so that my cheek rested on it and I could breathe. I kept quiet, anticipating whatever came next. A harsh spank landed on my ass, eliciting a sound between a moan and a needy cry from me.

There was something different about the way Kenzie was taking me tonight. It felt raw, with caged hunger that was just at the surface of releasing. But then there was patience accompanying it, enough of it so I was the only one on the brink of breaking. In the moment, I was held together by nothing by her.

Another spank landed on my other cheek before two fingers were roughly inserted into my pussy. Teeth bit into the flesh of my shoulder as she finger fucked me with a steady pace. I pushed back into her hand, it wasn't enough. I needed her in me.

"Baby, please." I begged shamelessly.

I might've imagined it, but I heard a deep intake of breath before it was shakingly let out. Whatever it was didn't last as she answered with a, "please what?"

"I need you."

A small breathy laugh. "Do you need me or my dick?"

My body shook under her as she kept up the pace with her fingers. "Both, Kenz."

Lips brushed my ear with a silent whisper. "You have me, Thalia."

And I knew. When she said it, it wasn't just sexual. I had her, all of her and that fact made my eyes burn with tears.

I didn't get the chance to reply because Kenzie was kneeling behind me and grabbing ahold of my hips. I lifted onto my forearms, arching my back and willingly presenting myself for her. She slid in easily due to my wetness, the slick sound loud and clear.

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