Chapter Thirty Four

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"Unzip me?" I asked with my back facing her.

Seconds later, the gentle brush of her fingers caressed my shoulders. Kenzie's hand stayed still for a moment before slowly zipping my dress down. When she stepped back, I turned around and allowed the silky material to freely fall down my body.

I knew the exact second she held her breath, the exact second her body ceased all movement. Those caribbean blue eyes drank me in, and something about the way she looked at me, made me realize that lust wasn't the overpowering emotion showing.

I stared back, willing my mind and heart to, for once, agree on the same thing. Because as much as I desperately wanted to stay, I still wanted to run away from this beautiful human in front of me. I still felt that overwhelming urge to leave her before she could leave me.

"Want the shower first?" She asked, slipping her hands into the pockets of her trousers.

Kenzie had discarded her jacket, her loosened tie hanging around her neck. The first two buttons of her shirt was undone, leaving some skin for my viewing and her feet bare. No one had ever looked more desirable than she did right then.

"You sure?" I asked, stepping out of the dress that pooled at my feet.

Kenzie bent and swiftly picked it up. "Mhm. All yours."

My eyes followed the taller woman as she placed the dress on a hanger and hooked it up. I watched the way the muscles of her back flexed with each movement, the way her strong legs showed through her pants. Kenzie turned to me, gave one of those sweet smile of hers and started to leave.

"Stay." I rushed out.

"Huh?" She asked dumbly, stilling in her place.

I held back the smile that wanted to form. "The shower. Join me."

"O-oh. Okay, yeah. Okay." She nodded.

I noticed she wasn't making any attempt to undress. "You need to get out of your clothes."

"Y-yeah. Okay."

I turned around as my smile took over, walking into the bathroom and taking off my underwear. Seconds after I stepped into the shower, I heard her come in after me.

I stood under the falling water, basking in the warmth of both my company and the water. Though she stood behind me, I felt her eyes on me. They always were, soaking me in, taking in whatever was in her view. Kenzie never failed to make me feel beautiful, whether it was with words, actions or her blatant staring.

I tilted my head back as she began to wash my hair, soothing fingers massaging into my scalp. When Kenzie's mouth landed lightly where my neck and shoulder met, I slanted my head to the left with a pleased sigh. I allowed the woman to bathe me, and then I did the same for her.

Both standing under the water, Kenzie held me by the shoulders and drew me against her. Her breasts were pressed into my back, her face nestled in my neck. It felt good, comforting, to be in someone's arms. No, not someone. It felt good to be in her arms.

Turning, I snuggled closer with my cheek against her chest. I didn't miss the way her heart sped up, thumping loudly for a few seconds before calming down.

Later that night, I sat on the bedroom floor while going through the contents of the box in front of me. I rarely did, but tonight I couldn't help it.

Kenzie was fast asleep on the bed, arms tightly hugging the pillow I put for her when I got up. Flicking my eyes down to the photograph between my two fingers, I remembered the day she saw it. I was beyond grateful she hadn't asked about it that day, I wouldn't have had courage to say the words. I put back all the photographs and old letters I'd either written or received over the years.

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