Water park pt2

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Hello guys ... Sorry again for not uploading earlier but seriously i wanna breath .... So enjoy this and pllz make me feel that there are humans reading my story .. I seriously can't have 177 ghost reader for crying out loud !!!

-Dannie xoxo


Addie's pov

We both pulled away at the same time ... I felt like we were kissing forever .... I felt the butterflies in my belly and it was amaZAYN (an : sorry but I had to put it) .... He's my first kiss so it was extra special ... After we sat down with the guys to eat I saw Dannie's glaring at harry ... She has been doing that for a while .. It was awkward silence so I decided to break it .. " so what's up Dannie ?!?" I ask her smiling ..."nothing" she simply answers still glaring at Harry ... Niall must've seen that because he suddenly took Dannie away and took their food to eat alone alittle far away ...

Niall's pov

Weird ... All what I was thinking about looking at Dannie when she was glaring at Harry .. It was silent ... It felt the awkward kind of silent so I decide to break it "what's up Dannie ?" .."nothing" was the one simple word Dannie answered with still but at her food now, poor food .. Very poor food I tell you .. Then I took her with the food and sat on a table far from the rest ... "ok, spit it out !!" I told her ... "spit what out?!!" she asked with half full mouth .. I just laughed and then turned seriously "what's wrong Dan ??!" I asked n serious tone now "you can't stand seeing Addison in Harry's arm !!.. Why!!" *gasp* realization hit me now "OMG!! You like Harry,don't you?!" I added shocked of what I 'myself' said... She choked on her food and quickly replied "what !!! NO!! It's not anything like, not that at all !!" .. "then what's wrong !!" I asked her desperately .. She answered then "it's just that ... " .."what !??" I asked pushing her to answer me .."well, just tell ... What do you think when you see Addie ?" she ask "well,she's happy .. Funny energetic ..!! IDK, She's just lovely !!" I just answered 'but you're more' I said in my head .. she just says " well, can you imagine all of that just taken away from her!! All of the life sucked from he eyes !! Soulless !!" I really didn't follow where she's going !!! "what do you mean ?!!" I ask confused!! "well, she had a few heart breaks before and it really devastates her .. I always help her on her feet ... But ... But ..!!" she said sobbing while she started crying ..." OMG!! Dannie, why are you crying ??" I ask trying to comfort her but she cries even harder .. I held her close to me and her tears fall on my bare chest ... She stops after a few minutes ..."why are you crying now Dans!?" she stayed quiet for a while, then starts talking "like I said she's got few heart breaks and I always comfort her ... I do to all of the girls as well ... Actually they gave me a nickname, 'MoM', because I always take care of them .. Although I'm the youngest" she paused and laughed ".. But when I get weak, hurt , heart broken .. There's no one for me ... I have no rock ... I have no one to comfort me ... Besides I can't cry because crying is weakness" she said whispering the last sentience repeating it few times .. "no it's not ... You wanna tell me that this is the first time ever you cried ?!?" I asked rubbing her back "honestly? .. No, I cry alot in my bed before sleeping but no one knows!!" she said holding me tighter ... "its ok , listen .. " I say picking her head up with my thumb "I'm always here for you, ok!! Whenever you wanna talk I'll be a call away !! Ok?" I add "ok !!" she just said .. " oh Naill!!" she said "what love?!?" I ask ... "I need a word from you that Harry won't hurt Addie ... And if you have any slightest doubt that he would then tell me now Nailler!" she said seriously .... "I promise love ... And no he won't ever ... It's not him!" I said assuring her "I know .. It's just .. She's my baby girl" she sighed "Gosh, you real sound like you are her mother" I said laughing and she was glaring at me before starting laughing herself.

I wiped Dannie's tears with my hand for the last time and hugged her tightly .. How she loved it ... Haha .. Any way, We then went back to sit with the others .. Dannie apologized to Harry for her rude behavior .. Harry said it was nothing .. then we continued eating.

Harry's pov

While Niall and Dannie were away silence covered all the atmosphere .. Then after a little while they came back ... I can see that Dannie's been crying .. Her eyes were red ... She apologized and I said it was nothing .. We continued eating then laid down for a while trying to catch a tan until the food is digested so we can swim .... Suddenly we hear Dannie breaking the silence "guys, I'm going to get some thing to eat .. I'm terribly hungryyyyy!!" she says whining ... We all looked at her like she grew a third head "but we just finished eating!!" Louis said laughing ... "I know but STILL .. HUNGRY!!" she whines like a five-year old .."I'm ready to eat you if I can !!" she ads smirking.."no please, I wanna live !!" Louis ads fast with scared face .. We all laughed at his reaction ... Then Niall took her to get some thing to eat ... She hurried back to me whispering "don't ever hurt her .. I know you're THE Harry Styles and I'm fangirling inside while I'm around you, but I swear to God ... Hurting her in anyway, shape or form .. You are going to wish to go back in your mama's belly, you hear?!" she says "with all respect to Anne!!" "oh and don't get it personal, i know you are a great guys! But any guy gets this close to Addie gets this speech from me" she ads smiling sweetly

"don't worry I won't hurt her in at all!!" I said "I never will Dannie !!" I added terrified actually 'thank you' she mouthed.

Niall's pov

Me and Dannie came back after eating ... We saw all the lads in the pool swimming and laughing and splashing each other ... except for Zayn who was just watching but laughing at them fooling around ... Dannie then looked at me and I swear I knew what she was thinking .. 'canon ball' I nodded then we both ran as fast as we can and jumped in the pool screaming canon ball !!! We splashed everybody and it was hilarious !!!

Addie's pov

"canon ball!!" we hear some one yelling ... the next thing I know Dannie and Niall jump!! We all laughed at them. then we all splashed them both .. They kept screaming and laughing ...

We all played all day and i think and I know that Dannie agrees that ... That was THE BEST DAY EVER !!!

Harry's pov

It was time to go home ... Honestly I didn't want the day to end ... I wanted to stay with Addie.

On the ride back i sat next to Addie ... I wrapped my arm around her all the way and we were flirting non stop. I have to admit ... I really liked Her, Alot I mean. I mean I only knew her like a day, but I feel like it's been a whole eternity with her!! I looked in her beautiful blue eyes .. I was lost in her gaze ... She suddenly picked my lips then looked at the ground smiling ... I loved it and lifted her chin up with my thumb and leaned closer to her .. Our lips touched it was like that for few seconds ... Then our lips moved in sync .. I loved that too .. Honestly it turned to a make out session ... Dannie just kept the boys' eyes on the road .. Hahaha .. She was super protective even on that .. Before we know it we arrived at Dannie's place .. Addie was going with her, then I asked her "would you like to stay at ours tonight Addie?" she looked over to Dannie "I'm sorry Harold but she can't stay with you guys!! I promised her mom I would have her back !!!" Dannie said smiling sadly at Dannie .. Addie put her puppy face trembling her bottom lip with super wide eye ' cute' and said "pweeeez Dans pweeez !!" Dannie just looked at her and laughed "but you know your mother wouldn't like it if she knew!!" dannie said "well, she doesn't have to know ..does she now!!" Addie said, "it's ok Addie .. I don't want you to hide things from your mother and cause you problems!" ..."wait!" Dannie said cutting me .." I think you could stay .. But for couple hours .. Ok?!" she added Addie nodded thrilled and hugged dannie and thanked her alot .. "so, why don't you stay too Dannie !??" Zayn said.."idk.. I'll see my mom!!" Dannie said ..


Ok that's enough for today ... I'm seriously sleepy and can't keep my eyes open .. Goodnight ... And for God's sake some one .. Anyone, VOTE COMMENT FAN !!!

PS. I actually have 4 fans now ..

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