Chapter 11

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I'm reeaaaaally sorry it's been long since my last upload .. It's just I've been having some problems but I promise I'll upload faster ...

Enoy peeps :)

-Dannie xoxo


Dannie's pov

~"hey babe" a strange voice said ... I walked ignoring that voice .. But wait .. Where am I ?! I'm in a dark place God knows where and I can't hear a living soul around here .. "wait sweeti I wanna have some fun!" the same strange voice said again .. I got really nervous and worried .. I tried to run but my legs were too weak, i dunno why though !!! Then this stranger grabs me by my shoulder and pins me against a wall "HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE! ANY ONE !!" I kept screaming and calling for help but no one's there. the guy gets closer and forces a kiss on my lips n I keep screaming and crying until .... ~

Suddenly I feel arms surrounding me in their embrace and Niall's voice telling me to calm down and shushing me in a sweet way "everything's gonna be alright" he says... Addie came in the room shocked, "what's wrong Dannie, why were you screaming ?" she asks worried. I just sat their speechless "nightmare.. Bad one " Niall says .."oh baby girl don't tell me it's the same one!!" she whispers leaning closer to me holding me in her warm arms "ya..." I barely chocked out breathless. "here .. This won't ever happen again you know that right??!" she says looking me in the eyes, I calm down and manage to get an answer out "ya .. But promise me you won't leave me alone, please promise me!" I begged her on verge of tears once again. "I promise" they both say still hugging me..

I guess felt asleep after that cause the next thing I remember is Louis jumping on the bed waking me up ..

Harry's pov

I woke up at 1 at noon ..'wait something is missing in here!' I think to myself'. I look around and I don't see .. ADDIE!! I got a little worried, "Addie .. Adison!!" I called out, I don't get respond I decided to get out of bed and look around for her..

I went to the kitchen first thing, thankfully Addie was there making breakfast and Niall eating 'obviously'. Dannie was sitting there drinking some juice and Liam and Louis were watching tv.

I stood behind Addie and wraped my arms around her waist kissing her shoulder and nuzzling my face in her hair, "good morning sleepy head" she says smiling .. "good morning beautiful" I reply huskily. "so where's Zayn?" I ask them, "oh, he's still in the bathroom ?!" Liam asked. "well, DUH!! it is Zayn we're talking about .. He must be fixing his hair still!!" Louis says fighting off a laugh shrugging. "hey Dannie" I greeted her, She looked distracted staring in space.. "what!! Oh, um .. hay" she stutters out. "what's wrong there, love?" I ask concerned, "oh .. It's nothing !!" she says faking a smile. "bad nightmare" Niall replies earning a really strong glare out of Danni, "oh, sorry about that!" I genially tell her. She just flashes half a smile and shrugs .."ok, get ready guys cause we need to be on time for our interview today!" Liam declares .."ok" we all reply tiered ..

So, we all headed for a quick shower and got dressed. I asked Addie if she wants to come she happily agreed. When we asked Dannie she accepted but there was still sadness in her eyes, Weird!! I didn't ask cause maybe she doesn't want to talk about it.

We went by the girls' place first so they'd change, then we went to the studio.

Addie was wearing a cute pink tank top with a light jeans jacket on top that ended above her belly with light jeans shorts and gladiators sandals, Dannie just wore some black trousers that ended at her knees it was a guys shorts really, with white plain sweat shirt and a black plain cap over her head. Addie wore a little make up like mascara, lip gloss and some blusher, but Dannie .. Not a drop of make up touched her face.

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