I Would Do Anything - Armin x Reader

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Requested by MikasaAndHerScarf

I hope you like it!



"You shouldn't try this again. If I wasn't there, you would've gotten more serious injuries that wouldn't be solved with gauze. " Armin nodded his head as I finished with first aid kit and put it away.

"Thank you, (y/n)." He smiled brightly. It will always amaze me how he can smile through almost anything, but I'm not complaining. It's not even comparable to the sun; it's too bright.

I sat back down on the bed with him and sighed. He really did scare me. He caught himself in his wires and they were so tight, they cut him in multiple places, but it was nothing vital. I felt him move a piece of my (h/l) (h/c) bangs away from my eyes.

"Don't worry so much. I'm fine, I swear. I wouldn't do anything to get myself killed, not with you around. " He smiled once again. Each one is even brighter than the last. It made me want to kiss him even more. Not that I hadn't done it already.

"We should probably leave. I honestly don't want to go back, but if I can avoid shorty yelling at me I will. " I stood up along with Armin. He seemed to be a little stiff from the cuts and worry etched itself on my face. He noticed and just smiled it off. There is probably nothing I wouldn't do to see him smile 24/7. Literally. I guess that's what happens when you love someone.


"I don't really care. Why would I tell him if it isn't necessary?" I glared at the brown haired male as he seemed to get madder by me even breathing.

"He would probably want to know that the whole reason you know him isn't what you actually told him. Armin is fragile, probably more so with you around. If you don't tell him, one way or another he'll find out."

"Yeah yeah. If hadn't told you in the first place I wouldn't have to worry about it. Why aren't you so scared? If you're so worried about me hurting Armin, why aren't you scared?" I pushed him against the wall and trapped him in between my arms. Eren didn't realize it, but I could hear his heartbeat. He was scared, and by the speed of his heartbeat, very scared.

"I'm not going to do anything," I moved away from him and he let out a "silent" sigh, "You may not realize it, but I'm not that harsh. At least, towards Armin." I walked away, leaving the fluorescent blue eyes that were impossible to hide to stare at the intimidated Eren.


'What were they talking about?' Honestly, I couldn't care less. What I was worried about was what was (y/n) hiding. I understand everyone has their secrets, but this one seems to be kept specifically from me. I sighed, deciding not to think on it. I could blow it up as much as I wanted; it wouldn't help me or (y/n).

Eren was still in the hallway, clutching his shirt tightly. Eren wasn't one to get scared, so what (y/n) was keeping secret must've been a big deal. I walked out of the building and immediately saw (h/l) (h/c) hair flocking in the light wind. I could ask her now, or I could hold it off to later. If Eren was so worried about it, I think I'd rather wait.

"Hey, Armin." I came back to reality and saw she had been staring at me.

"I heard the door closed." I nodded and walked up closer to her and smiled. She thought a bit more before she actually said something, and her voice held sorrow to it.

"You want to ask don't you?" The wind started to blow again, pushing her bangs farther in front of her (e/c) eyes. I tried to find words. I hadn't realized that she saw me. She sighed before speaking again,

"It's fine. Curiosity isn't as bad as people say. Before I actually met you, for a while I was sent around doing other people's bidding. To put it simply, I was a hitman, or assassin. I didn't really have a choice. I've been in the Survey Corps longer than you think I have. Each time I "get killed by a titan", I change my hair and eye color. This time, I chose natural. " I was shocked, and of course, (y/n) could see that. She pushed her hair back and smiled regretfully.

"You probably don't want to hear more, but I might as well start what I finished. Not only was I a hitman, I was being blackmailed the whole time. Basically, I was property of the Survey Corps, not in it. After a while, I got better and better at what I did. As you saw, Eren knew that. And even more, I was sent to kill your friend over there who has been watching us." She pointed over to my left and I looked to see Eren "hiding". He never was good at that.

"Now I'm done, kinda. Just in case you don't forgive me, I'll say it one last time. I love you. "She shrugged as if that was the easiest thing to say. Well, compared to everything else, it was. Although, that didn't change my feelings.

"Just know that I would never hurt you." She walked forward a little bit and stumbled. The wind had stopped and the clouds covered most everything in the sky. A loud crack of thunder was heard, almost covering the son of a bitch that escaped (y/n)'s mouth. She took a step forward and stumbled once again. I grabbed her wrist and held her there.

"Honestly, as long as I know that you're still (y/n), I'll love you as much as you love me. " She turned around, eyes widened slightly. I smiled brightly at her and she stared. Bringing herself closer to me, she pulled me by my shirt and kissed me. As that happened, it started to lightly rain, though I don't think either of us was really aware of it.

The kiss was sweet and slow moving. She moved away slowly after she needed air and I smiled once again.

"You need to teach me how to smile so easily." She joked and we both laughed, the rain steadily coming down on us.


"Hey, why did you tell that story?" (Y/n) asked, blushing slightly. We-Mikasa, Eren, Jean, Marco, Krista, and I-were playing truth or dare as it was raining heavily outside. Training had been canceled, so we decided to kill time. But instead of picking the truth or dare yourself, the person next to you had to whisper one in your ear.

"It's raining outside and it reminded me of it. " I shrugged and we got back to playing the game.

"(Y/n), truth or dare?" I asked, knowing she would pick dare.

"Dare." Eren whispered something in my ear and I nodded, a blush of my own covering my cheeks.

"I-i dare you to.." I paused and looked at him, silently begging for him to change it. He shook his head, and instead said it for me.

"I dare (y/n) to strip to her underwear and sit on Armin's lap," He said snickering. I felt the all too familiar blood drip from my nose. I tried to hide it. Tried. (Y/n) blushed deeply, but sighed and started to take off her shirt. I screamed a bit.

"Y-You don't h-have to do it. Screw you Eren. " I glared at him harshly and he sat a little straighter. She just shook her head and smiled.

"If it makes you that flustered, turn away. " She smirked and even through my heavy blush, I smiled.


You get to imagine the rest. Have fun with that little teacups ((imma call you guys teacups because teacups are cute )) sorry if it wasn't what you wanted MikasaAndHerScarf , I'll change it if it wasn't. After this : Tokyo Ghoul pt.2 ((I know I said that before, but requests come first :) ))

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