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"And now, let's raise our glasses and cheer for the wedding kiss!" The host said, raising his glass of wine, followed by all the guests here. 


And then there were sounds of confetti popping, guests cheering and clapping, as I could see the bride and groom sharing their wedding kiss on the stage. Everything looked so perfect and beautiful, except my mood right now. 

"Yeah, yeah, wedding-kiss-my-ass," I said, raising my glass of wine and then choking it up in one gulp. 

"More, please," I said to the bartender, and he quickly replaced my empty glass with a new one. 

So here I was, sitting alone at the mini bar of my asshole ex boyfriend's glamorous wedding party at one of the top hotels here in Seoul. The hall was filled with white roses, crystal chandeliers hanging down the ceiling, and a stage made of glass filled with various beautiful flowers. 

My dream wedding. 

And he knew that. 

And now he had the audacity to use it at his own wedding with that bitch. 


I started to wonder if it was such a bad decision to come to this wedding. 

"Argh… Fuck this wedding! More!" I shouted to the bartender, once again replacing my empty glass with the new one and immediately finished it all in one gulp. 

"Oh wow, feisty."

I heard someone say, making me look at the voice's owner who sat at the stool beside me. 

A handsome man with his jet black hair combed back, showing his cat-like sharp eyes, looking dapper in his black suit and tie. 

He nodded a little and gave me his smirk. 

Damn. Hottie. 

"You're a fast drinker," He said. 

"Well, I am," I said nonchalantly. 

He ordered some more wine from the bartender and gave me a glass, toasted it with his before we both drank it together. 

"So, you have a problem with this wedding? Problem with the groom or the bride?" He asked, staring at me. 

I raised one of my eyebrows at his question. 

"Sorry, but I overheard you cursing a lot before," He said, letting out a chuckle. 

I squinted my eyes at him. I pondered, should I spill the tea with him?

Fuck it, who cared. He was only a stranger and I needed to spill my bottled emotions right now. 

"Okay, so you wanna know the hot news?" I whispered, gesturing to him to sit closer to me. 

"So, the groom is such an asshole who happened to be my ex boyfriend for a year. He cheated on me with his bitch co-worker, got her pregnant, dumped me, and now has the audacity to invite me to his wedding, just a month after he broke up with me," I told him. 

"And what, he thinks I won't come? He thinks I'll cry my ass off for him alone in my bedroom, lamenting on my fate? Nah bitch. I come here single and proud, looking hotter than ever," I said again to the guy, who listened to my rant silently, keeping his eyes on me. 

"And look who's drooling with a handful of regrets right now? Of course, the asshole groom." I continued, pointing to my ex boyfriend who I knew was stealing glances at me from early night. 

"Enjoy your regret, bitch, you can look but can never touch me again." I spit my final rage at my ex boyfriend. 

"Wow," He finally said. 

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