• a/n •

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Hi again!

Thank you for making it to the end ❤
I hope you enjoyed it. 

This is the 12th book that I have here, and the longest one that I ever wrote so far. I had so much fun writing it and I'm happy with the result, I think this book turns out quite nice 😁 and hope you guys like it too! 

Feel free to leave comments and tell me what you thought, 'kay? 

Btw have you heard the song Salut d'Amour before? It's a beautiful and such a lovely song, I suggest you listen to it if you haven't before. You can search on YouTube : Elgar - Salut d'Amour (piano solo) by MX Chan. I listened to his piano play on repeat while writing the last chapter. 

Last but not least, kindly check out my other stories too! Add them to your RL, share it with your friends and follow me if you like my story 💜💜

That's it for now, 
See ya on my next story!


Love xoxo,

Anti Romantic • MYGWhere stories live. Discover now