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Days went by as me and Yoongi continued our life. 

I got very busy because of the final rehearsal with BTS and before I knew it, the concert days had come. I went touring with BTS all around Korea, doing their national concerts tour. 

I hadn't met Yoongi again after that night, let alone talked about it with him. I thought that it was something that we need to talk about in person, not by texts or a phone call. 

I thought my busy schedule could get Yoongi out of my head, but damn I was wrong. I thought about him almost all the time! 

He texted me occasionally, just a simple message asking how my days were going and reminding me to keep up my health within the busy schedules. He also sent me lots of Holly's pictures, saying that Holly missed me. I wondered if the owner missed me too? 

And just now, he sent me a picture of him holding Holly with his cute gummy smile. 

Argh! No, I can't! 

Why suddenly he became so uwu and more caring? Was he signalling me something? Or was it all actually just his regular self, and I just got a wrong signal that all just happened in my head, my imagination? 

I kept on guessing whether maybe Yoongi started to have feelings for me too, or I was still just a regular friend for him. 

Or maybe friends with benefits? 

Or worse, just an occasionally sex partner? 

Oh, shit. 

Did I need to confront him about this? 

What if he said that I was just his regular or best friend, would my heart still be okay with the answer? 

Or what if my questions just made everything turn awkward, and ruined our friendship? 

Nah, I don't want that. 

But I couldn't keep myself hanging like this. My head became so full of Yoongi and my imaginary scenario, I thought I couldn't handle it anymore. 

Alright, the first thing I needed to do when I got back home was to meet him, and talk about this. 

Well… maybe, if I had enough courage to do the latter. 


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