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The tour was finally over and it was time for us to get back home and have some holiday break before our next schedule was announced. 

After a few days resting and lazily doing nothing in my apartment, I finally called Yoongi and asked him to meet up. He told me to come to his studio after his class time was over, so here I was tonight at his music studio, walking to his classroom. 

I slowly opened the door and peeked inside, I saw Yoongi tidying his stuff, back facing me. 

"Ara! Come in." Yoongi turned his back and saw me, he tilted his head and gestured to me to come inside the room. 

"Sorry I still need to prepare some music sheets for tomorrow's class. Wait for a while and after this we'll grab some dinner," He said, giving me his smile. 

"It's okay, take your time," I said as I wandered around the room, looking at any random things there. It was my first time here, inside his classroom. There was a grand piano at the corner of the room and I walked there, playing the keys randomly. 

"How was the tour? It's been quite some time I haven't met you!" He said. 

"It was super great! I'll tell you everything later," I said excitedly to him.

Indeed it was quite some time, I had been touring for more than a month. It was tiring, but surely so much fun. I couldn't wait to share my experience with Yoongi. 

"I kinda miss you, though," Yoongi said as he walked closer to me, giving me his little sweet smile. 

That smile was just a little, but the impact on my heart was massive. 

"I– I–" I stuttered as I tried to hide my blushed cheek, "You're done? Let's go grab our dinner," I said abruptly while Yoongi just smiled seeing my reaction. 

"Hey wait, would you play a song for me first? I haven't seen you playing piano since the wedding," I asked him, tilting my head to the grand piano beside us. 

"Okay, what song?" He asked, sitting on the piano chair, taking his position. 

"Umm… anything? The one that you think suits me well." I shrugged.  He thought for a while and then started to play the piano. 

A soft melody started to chime, filling the air around us. I stood there beside the piano, resting my back on it as I watched Yoongi focus on his play. He played with his eyes closed, sometimes looking at me, but mostly just looked down at the keys. 

It was beautiful. 

Watching him play the piano was beautiful. 

It reminded me of the first time I watched him, how his melody allured me and captivated me. And this time was no different, he still mesmerized me with all his charm.

The way his fingers moved with ease.

The way he tilted his head with his eyes closed and a little smile on his lips. 

The way he looked at me. 

I realized, I had fallen so hard for this guy. 

And what made it worse was the melody that he played. Different from the Gesualdo song he played before, this song was so delicate and calming, it gave a warm and comforting feeling to my heart. A soothing feeling that said 'don't worry, I'll always be with you'.

So it was a song like this that he thought suited me well. 

Just like dance, music was a form of expression without words. And did I get the right message from him through this song? Did he think the same thing as me while playing the song? Or once again, was it all just in my mind? 

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