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holly is sick
he puked a lot  this morning


maybe he ate
something weird last night

have you taken him to the vet? 

not yet
maybe later tonight
i have to go
to my students' recital today
hopefully he'll be okay
without me this noon

Ah yes, the recital. 

I sighed as I remembered Yoongi's schedule today. It was an important recital for his students and he had to accompany them. It must be hard for him to leave the sick Holly alone at the apartment like this. 

I was doing my practice as usual at the studio today, together with all my crew. I looked at my friends who were practicing and pondered whether I should skip my practice or not. 

Argh, screwed it. 
Just a day off wouldn't ruin my dance. 

you're still at apt now?


wait for me
i'll come over

I quickly grabbed my bag and packed my stuff. Good that Yoongi's apartment was near from here so I could quickly get there. 

"Lisa, I'm taking a day off, got something important to do," I said to Lisa who was taking her quick break beside me. 

"Bye guys see you tomorrow!" I waved at my other friends, before hastily got out of the studio and rushed my way to Yoongi's apartment. 


"You really come." Yoongi opened his apartment door while looking at me, startled, as I let myself in. 

"What about your practice?" He asked, following me into the living room. 

"I'm taking a day off. I can't dance properly, knowing that Holly is sick and left alone like that," I said, looking around searching for Holly. 

And there he was, laying weakly on his pillow, letting out a small bark when he saw me. 

"Aww Holly..." I hastily went to him and hugged him, cuddled him with me. It was sad to see him like this, I missed the cheerful and nosy Holly. 

"I'll take him to the vet with me and bring him back here while waiting for you, so you can focus on the recital without worry. Are you okay with that?" I asked Yoongi as he stared at me dumbfoundedly. 

"Are you okay with that?" He asked me back. 

"Sure." I shrugged. 

"Ara, you're my savior!" Yoongi suddenly hugged me, making me a bit startled, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He kept on saying. 

"Aish, you silly! No need to thank me, I do this for Holly," I said, letting go of his hug. 

"What time you'll go?"

"Umm, now?" He said, checking on his watch. He then told me the vet's address and showed me where he kept Holly's food and stuff, before giving me his spare key and getting ready to leave. 

"Thanks Ara, I really appreciate this," He said once again, giving me his thankful smile. 

"No worries, Yoongi. Good luck for the recital!" I waved goodbye to him. 

I then took Holly to the vet that wasn't far from here and bought some lunch on my way back. Yoongi called me once, asking if everything's alright and told me that his friend would come to the apartment to pick up some stuff that he left behind. 

I was enjoying my lunch when I heard the bell ringing. I opened the door and saw a handsome tall guy standing there. He looked at me, a bit taken aback. I raised my eyebrows at him questionly, waiting for him to say something. 

"Oh hi," He finally greeted, "I'm Jin, Yoongi's friend. I came to get his stuff," He told me. 

"Ah yes, here," I said as I handed him the paper bag that Yoongi had told me before. 

He took the bag from me and kept staring weirdly at me. Holly suddenly sneaked in between my legs, getting curious with the guest. I picked him up and held him in my arms as he stayed nicely in my hug. 

Jin looked at all this and gave me his weirder look. 

"Umm… Do you need anything else?" I frowned at him, starting to get uneasy with his stare. 

"Oh sorry, nothing– It's just–" He stuttered, realizing his impoliteness, "Yoongi told me that his friend is at his apartment."

"Well, I'm his friend." I shrugged. 

"Yes, but I'm not expecting his friend to be a pretty girl like you." He grinned. 

"Yoongi never brought a girl to his place before, let alone letting someone get so close with his dog like that. He's quite possessive with him, you know." He pointed at Holly. 

"I don't know that," I said unsure. 

"Now you know." He shrugged. 

"Well, I guess you're special, then," He said again, giving me his big grin. 

"Thanks for this." He pointed at the paper bag on his hand, "Bye, I'll see you around." He smiled and waved goodbye at me, walking away from the apartment. 

I got back in and closed the door behind me, walking back to my interrupted lunch, while thinking about what Jin just said. 

Am I… special? 


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