Part 4: Hiding (Growth two)

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Sally walked out of her dorm room. She could not believe what had just happened. 

She walked down to the hallway and saw a lost and found. She searched for a hoodie that could hide her massive belly, she had chosen to wear a XL shirt, but even then her belly button poked through. 

She found a giant hoodie, it kinda smelled like doritos. "Great" Sally thought, "I hate doritos..." as she was going to put on the hoodie, she felt another sharp pain. Not as strong as the one before but enough to have her wincing. 

She placed her hand on her belly, she felt something move. She could feel whatever was inside of her had broken free from its egg, and was now moving inside her uturus.

Sally shuddered, what a weird sentation, yet... she didn't think it felt to bad. She circled her belly and felt as if there were tenticles inside, jumping at the slightes touch. 

She continued to touch her belly, making the alien within wither and the tentacles go wild. She felt one slither down her birth canal. The pressure felt amazing as it reached her clitoris and began to rub againt it. 

Sally had never experienced this before, but she had places to be so she stopped. And as she pulled her hand away, the tentacle retracted back inside her leaving her pants slimy. 

"Now I need new pants" Sally thought. She cointinued to look in the lost and found and found a large skirt.

She put on the skirt and hoodie and altough she looked a little ridiculous, she felt comfortable enough to wear it. She placed her hat and sunglasses as if to hide, and waddled towards the elevator.

The now free alien sloshed inside her as she made way, it was a little uncorfortable, but Sally could not really do much about it.

She touched her abdomen again, it was soft like a water bed; As if her adomen was full of liquid, and the tentacles slithered inside.

What  will I do?


Sally reached the mall. She had avoided her friends at the campus by hiding behind bushes, as they passed by she heard them say:

"Sally has been gone for a week! I can't believe she's going to miss her suprise birthday party, not that we should throw her one anyway..."

"My birthday!" Sally thought. Her bithday was a week from now and she had completely forgot. She texted them letting them know she was okay but didn't feel well.

At the mall, Sally bought some new clothes at the maternity store. "This is so odd", Sally tought. 

Her stomach rumbles, she had not eaten all day, and the alien was hungry too. It slithered inside of her making her uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, I'll get food" she said.

She went to the food court and bought three large burgers with four large fries and a jumpo soda. She normally would never buy so much food, but she felt so hungry that she couldn't resist.

She went to eat in her car, as she was embarrased by her new appearance. As she ate the first burger, the alien inside squirmed in delight. 

Sally was still just as hungry, was the alien eating her food? She continued to eat, she ate two more burgers and was still hungry. She devoured the remaining burger and ate most of the fries.

She gulped down the soda to swallow the large amounts of food she was stuffing in her mouth.

Finally, she let out a large burp as she finished the fries. She felt stuffed. She could not believe the amount of food she had just eaten.

As she was leaning back in her chair, she could feel the alien moving iniside her...except it wasn't just was expanding!

"Not again!" Sally thought, as she groaned from the pressure of the fluid building up inside her. 

She felt the once large hoodie become tight, and the skirt that once rested at her knees now rested on her upper tighs. 

She moaned as the pressure built up, she released some of it by pleasing herself down there. 

A tentacle lowered down her canal and met her hand at her clitoris, where both her and the alien rubbed in circled as her belly widdened.

Her tighs and hips grew in size ever so slightly to accomodate for the incoming belly that was now the size of a full term pregnancy. 

Sally hugged her belly and squezzed it. It was soft and she moved it from side to side as she felt the liquid slosh inside her.

She moaned as she felt the tentacles brush her hands from within, she pulled up her hoodie to see her belly, full and tight as if she had been blown up with water.

After this, she drove back home and went to her dorm, she stepped on her scale, she had gained 40 pounds since being abducted by that boy!

But she looked at herself in the mirror and rubbed her swollen pregnant belly. She tought she looked hot pregnant.

She laid back down in her bed and thought about the boy from Mars....

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