Part 9: Bigger together

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One week later:

Sally had been living this past week with Adam on his ship. This was where the white room was, and she looked into it to see Lauren, Marylin, and Isabella all strapped to their respective tables.

Sally rubbed her belly now about the size of a 5 month pregnant belly. She could not wait to meet her children.

As she did this, Adam arrived.

"I believe it is time," he said. And just as if on queue she doubled over as the pregnancy pains hit her, her belly began to inflate as if with a hose. She felt the liquid building up and up and up. The pressure was unbearable, but it felt so good... Sally moaned as her belly became tight. She grabbed it with her hands as she felt them get pushed up by the rapid growth. Her belly was heavy, heavier than before, given the two extra babies.

She sat down as the last growth hit her; she looked about 6 months pregnant with twins.

She rubbed her belly; she could feel the tentacles moving inside her, making her belly ripple like throwing a rock on flat water. She shuddered from the feeling.

"Hello? Where are we?!" Yelled, Lauren. All three girls had woken up and were about to scream when they too got hit with pregnancy pains.

Their bellies began to inflate, first making them look extremely bloated but then continued to grow as it made it's way into a pregnant belly.

"What is happening to us! Where turning into freaks!" Marylin yelled.

Isabella tried to push down on her belly, but this just made it grow faster as the pressure began to build up. Once she lifted her hands slightly, her belly grew so fast that it gave her whiplash.

"Why are you doing this to use?" Isabella yelled as her belly grew near full term.

Sally chuckled, seeing them like this.

After a while, the growing had stopped. Marylin and Lauren looked full term with one baby while Isabella looked full term with twins.


"They must eat for the second growth to commence," Adam said as Sally remembered her hanburger incident.

Sally wobbled with her huge pregnant belly and offered them food. Lauren and Marylin took it and stuffed their faces with it. They each ate about 6 giant burritos and four large fries while gulping it all down with a big coke. They panted as they felt fully stuffed, and their second growth hit.

They groaned as their bellies rumbled and continued to grow; you could see their bellies ripple from the water filling them up. They're stomachs huge, their shirts ripping from the sides as they could not hold the massive size of their pregnant bellies. After a while, their bellies stopped growing, and they panted from the pressure.

"I can't breathe," Marylin said. "it's too much pressure," as they passed out.

Lauren passed out, too, from the fear of it all; she could not believe she was pregnant with an alien baby.

Isabella had not touched her food.

"I'm not eating that and turning into you" she said "I'm fat because of you! Look at me!"

"We can get you to eat the hard way or the easy way..." Adam said.

But Isabella would not budge.

"Hard way it is" he said.

Adam tied Isabella's hands to the table and placed her lying down.

"What are you-"

He put a tube in her mouth, she tried to scream but the tube was sealed shut.

"You forced my hand" Adam said, as he turned on the lever.

Isabella squirmed as the purple liquid made it's was into her mouth.

It began to inflate her as it forced its way down her throat. She thrashed around, trying to get it off but nothing worked. As she finally laid still, the liquid continued to fill her up.

Her belly began to expand more rapidly than before. Sally heard a rip coming from Isabella's dress as her belly burst through and was now out in the open.

It continued to grow till Isabella could not see her feet, her belly was huge!

It looked as if she had swallow 3 basketballs. As it finished growing, stretch marks could be seen on her once tight belly.

As Adam removed the tube, Isabella yelled, "What have you done to me! I feel it moving inside of me! Get it out! Get it out!!!"

Sally looked to see Isabella's belly move, you could see the tentacle outlined in her skin as it slithered as if she had swallowed snakes.

Isabella passed out from the weight of her massive belly.

Sally rubbed her belly as her second growth spurt hit.

She felt as if she was like a balloon being blown up with water as her belly sagged from the weight of her three babies.

As she continued to grow, she rubbed herself down there. Adam helped as his tentacles slithered around her, one rubbing her clit and the others rubbing her nipples.

Sally raised her hands as she let her belly grow freely while Adam helped her release some pressure.

As his pulsating tentacle left her clit, she feel the best orgasm she had ever experienced and she let out a scream of delight.

Adam rubbed her belly as the tentacles from the babies inside rubbed against him.

Her belly now felt as if she had swallowed 4 gallons of water and looked full term with quadruplets.

She panted as she felt as if she was about to burst.

She could, quite literally, not get up from the weight of her swollen pregnant belly.

"Do not worry. All will be well". Adam said as he tenderly rubbed her belly.

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