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(From the perspective of my best friend)

I'm the kind of person
Who will ask for your sign
To see if I can change your horoscope
To the word smile
(Or maybe I wanted know if we're astronomically compatible)
Either way
You never thought I was important enough
To give the time of your zodiac

I'm the kind of person
Who will spend two hours learning how to fold ninja stars to impress you
But will throw them all anyways
Because none of them felt perfect enough
(Even though you probably wouldn't have cared, I wanted to be perfect for you)

I'm the kind of person
Who will become sad
for what appears to be no reason
You'd ask if I was okay
And I'd smile through my eyelashes
Wondering if it was just a common courtesy
(Of course, you were probably pretty confused. I'd been ignoring to you for weeks)

I'm the kind of person
Who will never have the nerve
To tell you how fucked up you are
Directly to your face
But I'll beat around your ego
Right in front of your face

I'm the kind of person
To accidentally recruit my poet best friend
To write a poem
Subtly shit talking you
(Don't worry if you don't pick up on it hon. You were never perfect anyway)

//alternatively titled "Don't Fuck With a Poet"//

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