A Little More Than Just Friends (Joshler)

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Josh's POV
The lockers haunted me of all I've done to innocent people. I was a bully, a disgusting no good bully. It's not that I get any enjoyment of it. My so called friends force me to do it. I sit down laying against a random locker. Life sucks. The final bell had rung well over a hour ago everyone had left. I was here for soccer practice. Soon I heard footsteps I thought it'd be a janitor coming to kick me out, I opened my eyes to see Tyler, a kid I refused to bully. Tyler was intriguing, he has short brown hair, a great smile, and a amazing voice. I couldn't bully him for the life of me. Tyler was only bullied because he was gay, they bully him because he's different then what their bigoted, close minds think is normal. I think he's actually pretty cool. We've never really talked much maybe some hi's or small smiles, but really nothing more he was walking closer to me, until he was right in front of me. He gave me a small smile then said
"Hey this is my locker, um could you move over just a tad?" He asked like he was scared of me.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry." I said moving over slightly still sitting with my back against the lockers.
"Thanks." he mumbled putting some books away, and getting his backpack
"Why are you here so late?" I ask him
"I could ask you the same question." he said letting a small smile creep into his face.
"I was at soccer practice." I reply with a shrug, he sit down next to me, and sits his bag next to him.
"Well I had to finish homework." he said.
"That's a lie." I say blatantly.
"Yes." he says finally. "I wait for people to leave because they scare me." Tyler says.
"How come?" I ask.
"They make fun of me, they hate me, and they threaten me." He says.
"They make me angry." I say.
"You're one of them." He retorts.
"I know." I reply suddenly feeling even more guilty than before.
"You don't hurt me though." He states.
"I don't want to." I reply
"Why?" He looks me in the eye.
"You don't deserve it. No one does." I say still looking in his gorgeous eyes.
"Oh." he says. He rests his head on my shoulder. My heart beats a million miles a minute. What is he doing to me. I put my arms around him, and rest my head on the top of his. We sit for what feels like minutes, but in actuality was two hours it's now around five. Tyler somehow had found his way onto the top of my lap, and our fingers laces themselves together. It felt so natural with Tyler.
"Hey." Tyler says looking up at me.
"Hey" I reply.
"So do you hate me like everyone else or can we be friends because I really like you." He says.
"I could never hate you." I say. I feel myself leaning in. Tyler leans in too. Our lips touch, and tingles went through me, I got goosebumps, my hair stood up on the back of my neck. I became dazed. Tyler really does this to me. We pull away.
"So how about a little more than just friends?"

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