Placebo Effect (Ferard)

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"The Placebo Effect is when someone who takes a placebo starts getting better because they think they are. Now if you never learned what a placebo is it's a type of "medicine" that looks real but is fake, it's typically used in human trials for new types of medicine where most get the real thing but the rest get the fake. Gerard was well aware that he'd be giving out most of the placebos. Since he'd been working at the hospital for years now he was one of most trusted doctors.

The drug he'd be administering was a experimental drug that was to eradicate cancer in early stage patients. The human trials were finally allowed when 89% of the lab rats were completely cancer free the rest were almost completely cured. The test size was small considering there were only 50 participants. Frank Iero being one of them. Gerard was doing his rounds when one of his patients with the placebo was flat lining. Nurses rush to the woman's aid but she died soon after from a heart attack. So there Gerard sat in his small office chair feeling broken, when a small man in a hospital gown knocked on his door.

"Yes?" Gerard asked letting a salty tear slip out of his eye. He looked up to see someone that would later be one of the most important people in his life.

"Um I was looking for the bathroom, but your office was on the way, and uh." He paused for a second looking for the right words "I um you're a great doctor, and that girl isn't your fault. She's probably in a better place now." He said.

"You're one of my patients aren't you?" Gerard asked probably flicking his bleached blond hair (he never really liked normal hair) from his eyes.

"Yeah I'm Frank, Frank Iero. I'm one of the cancer experiments." Frank chucked using air quotes around the word experiment. Frank was always somewhat sarcastic "I don't think we formally met." He reached a hand out. One Gerard gladly accepted. "But I'm gonna go fun the bathroom." Frank said walking back to the door.

"It's ah-" Gerard was cut off by Frank.

"Shh." Frank said putting a finger to his own mouth. "It'll be an adventure." He said smiling, and then walked off down the hospital hall.

Gerard smiled to himself. Although he supposed to giving Frank the placebo he decided to throw the placebos out daily, and give Frank the real treatment. After almost a year of talking, medical care, and most likely jokes about comic book characters, Frank was almost cancer free. After his final treatment, and the drug finally hitting the masses as a cancer treatment option, Frank was at Gerard's office again.

"Hey." Frank said knocking on the door

"What's up?" Gerard said looking up from his books. He still loves reading.

"Thanks for taking care of me." Frank said. Gerard smiled looking affectionately at Frank.

"No problem that's kinda my job." Gerard said. Frank smiled blushing, looking at his shoes.

"Well you could've kept me on the placebo." Frank says softly.

"You knew about that?" Gerard asks.

"Yeah some of the nurses talk louder than others." He laughs slightly. Gerard knew who he was talking about of course "Thank you." Frank walks over to Gerard, and hugs him tightly.

"That first time you came to my office, I saw a good man, one who needs to live on this planet." Gerard says softly looking deep into Franks eyes.

"I see a great man right now." Frank looks into Gerard's eyes with the same intensity.

For a split second both of their breaths stopped, they felt weightless. Before another word was spoken they both launched theirselves on each other, the kiss was filled with passion, and love. They had bottled their feeling up, and finally being able to release was one of the best moments of their lives. They didn't care about the sick people around them. They didn't care that anyone could walk in on them. They were so deeply madly in love that nothing could split them up. That's how it was, and always will be."

Bandit looked up from her short story paper, to see her class giving her a standing ovation. Although the classes story's were mostly written by the students Bandit always loved the story her two dads gave her.

A/N this ones also dedicated to ClarityCat \_(•.•)_/ haha bye

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