Chapter 1

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3rd persons POV

In a pasture of grass in front of a wooden bridge that leads to the forest area we see a large moose minding its own business, grazing the grass without a single card in the world.

It approached a bush and begins to eat some grass when it suddenly hears a rustling sound, the moose looks up for a brief moment just in time for a large blade to suddenly get lodged into its skull, the moose whined in pain and tried to flailed around but the swords wielder jumped out from the bush while pushing the sword even further in killing the poor unsuspecting creature.

The one who killed the moose turned out to be non other than Leon Victors who was now trying to shake the blood off his sword but too no avail, finally he gave up and grabbed the dead moose by its leg and proceeded to drag it away.

Leon: Oof, damn animals have gotten big over the past few or hundred years? How long were me and Anna frozen? there'll be time for that later.

One hour later

We now see Leon and his sister sitting around a campfire within one of the many empty buildings with pieces of Venison roasting over a small campfire, Leon turned the large stick that the meat was pierced onto so that every part of it could be cooked properly.

Leon: And to think I used to always argue with father whenever he took us camping in my youth, well I'm certainly thankful for the lessons he gave me now (He said while continuing to turn the meat)

Anna sat across from him with her head hung down and an upset look on her face, she didn't say anything but took a few glanced at the venison being cooked.

After some time the meat was finally done cooking and Leon carefully took some of the pieces that had been cut up beforehand thanks to his new sword since he and Anna didn't have the luxury to eat with silverware and so would need to eat pieces small enough for them to hold.

Leon Gave Anna her piece and after some hesitation she began to eat, Leon practically began to tear into his meal, the two sat across from each other both enjoying their meal, I. This new world there's no telling when danger is lurking right around the corner so it's important to enjoy the calm moments they have together while they can.

Leon: Mmm this is good, the wildlife is bigger but they taste just as good, talk about king sized portions huh Anna?

She finished swallowing another piece of the cooked venison before looking up at Leon and saying.

Anna: Brother...can you please not talk like that? I really don't like it when things get hurt.

Leon seems to realize what he had said and seemed to be disappointed with himself before saying.

Leon: I'm sorry Anna, look I don't like killing animals or anything for that matter but we have to think about our own survival, that's just the circle of life.

Anna: Yeah...I know (She said with her head hung down) but you didn't have any problem killing those robots earlier.

Leon: They were just machines Anna, they aren't alive and they don't feel anything, and besides they attacked us first and endangered your life and I only acted in self defense, look Anna I know it's not pretty but based on what I've seen his whole world has gone to hell, we have to focus on our own survival because no one else is going to be there for us.

Anna: I's still really sad seeing that everyone's gone.

After some time they finished their meal, Leon wiped his face with the sleeve of his coat despite it not being proper etiquette but given their situation who has time to care about etiquette.

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